
jiē zhònɡ zhēn
  • inoculating needle;transfer needle
  1. 全细胞百白破疫苗(DTwP)的一般反应报告率最高(359.27/10万),而且随接种针次的增多而升高。

    The diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTwP ) had the highest non-serious adverse events average reporting rate ( 359.27 / 100,000 ) . It became higher with the increased of times of vaccination .

  2. 麻疹疫苗初免月龄及接种针次的探讨

    Vaccine needles ; study of age and dose for measles vaccination

  3. 大鼠和家兔在疫苗接种1针后14d,都能产生血抑抗体,滴度可达1∶40,但中和抗体滴度都很低,几乎测不到;

    The rats and rabbits both could produce hemagglutination inhibition antibody in 14th day with the titer of the antibody reaching at 1:40 while the titer of the neutralization antibody was very low and hardly detected .

  4. 这就是为什么我们呼吁暂停接种加强针两个月的原因。

    So , that 's why we call for two-month moratorium of boosters .

  5. 接种2针或3针免疫效果较好,抗-HBs阳性率保持在7576%以上。

    And two or three times inoculation had better immune effects with anti-HBs positive ratio of over 75.76 % .

  6. 这样其他国家就可以增加他们的第一剂疫苗或第二剂疫苗的覆盖率,然后我们再接种加强针。

    so other countries can increase their first or second coverage , vaccination coverage , and then we can do boosters .

  7. 研究人员让125名中年男女注射了乙肝疫苗,这种疫苗全程共接种3针,按照1,2,6个月程序。

    Researchers gave 125 healthy , middle-aged men and women the Hepatitis B vaccine - a three-part vaccine given at one , two and six months .

  8. 还有一些伦理上的争论反对美国人接种第三针。

    There are also ethical arguments against Americans getting a third shot .

  9. 新生儿接种10μg3针乙型肝炎血源疫苗5年内的免疫效果观察结果显示,硝苯啶组病人的食管静脉再曲张率及再出血率均低于对照组。

    A FIVE YEARS FOLLOWING UP STUDY OF INFANTS IMMUNIZED WITH LOW DOSES OF PLASMA-DERIVED HEPATITIS B VACCINE Over a period of 1 ~ 5 year following up study , the results showed that the incidence of variceal recurrence and variceal rebleeding were lower in Nifedipine group .

  10. 结果采取干预措施后,乙肝疫苗首针接种率和首针及时接种率由干预措施前的93.93%,44.75%提高到94.02%,77.17%。

    Results After taking interferential measures , the first dose coverage rate and timely rate increased from 93.93 % , 44.75 % to 94.02 % , 77.17 % respectively .

  11. 结论全市实行新生儿乙肝疫苗免费接种以来,首针接种率和及时率均执行较好,但全程接种率则不尽人意;

    Conclusion The initial immunization rate and the timely rate have been encouraging since the implementation of free immunization of neonatal hepatitis B vaccine in the whole city , but the full-course rate is less satisfying .

  12. 结论HB-VAX纳入儿童免疫规划工作后,有效提高了儿童HB-VAX接种率、首针及时接种率和全程及时接种率。

    [ Conclusion ] After hepatitis B vaccine had been brought into children 's immunization plan , the children 's Hepatitis B vaccination rate , the first injection prompt vaccination rate and the whole course prompt vaccination rate have been improved effectively ;

  13. 方法:在玻片上将细菌与碱液混合,用接种环或接种针往上挑,观察有无丝状物出现,我们把它叫作细菌拉丝实验。

    Method : put the cultivated bacteria and a drop of alkaline liquid together on a piece of glass , mixed thoroughly with inoculation loop or needle , and observed the appearance of a thread like substance when the loop or needle was drawn upward .

  14. 按0、1、6方案对婴儿接种乙型肝炎疫苗,婴儿出生后24小时内接种第一针疫苗时,同时注射乙型肝炎高效价免疫球蛋白。

    Infants were immunized with three doses of hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours after birth , one month and six months of age , respectively , and hepatitis B immunoglobulin ( HBIG ) was injected simultaneously with the first dose .

  15. 一项公告可能会在明天发布,呼吁人们于接种辉瑞或莫德纳第二剂疫苗的八个月后接种加强针。

    An announcement could come tomorrow calling for boosters eight months after the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines .

  16. 儿童首针及时接种率为75.74%,全程及时接种率81.97%,全程接种率88.52%,HB-VAX全程接种率和首针及时接种率均呈逐年上升趋势;

    The prompt vaccination rate of the first injection among the children was 75.74 % ; the whole course vaccination rate was 81.97 % ; the whole course vaccination rate and the prompt vaccination rate of the first injection indicated a increasing tendency every year ;