
jiē shēnɡ yuán
  • midwife
  1. 他的两个雇工协助接生员,于是孩子就出生了。

    Two of his men assisted the midwife and the baby was born .

  2. 另外,与Ram不同,很多家庭中的长者更相信传统的接生员,而这些人员往往没有能力处理产科急症。

    Also – unlike Ram – family elders often have more faith in traditional birth attendants , who are not always able to handle obstetric emergencies .

  3. 患有未治疗瘘的大多数妇女在家中分娩,没有熟练接生员的帮助。

    Most women who develop untreated fistula have given birth at home with no assistance from a skilled birth attendant .

  4. 由于参与此项研究的妇产科医生、护士、接生员们的帮助,生物样品在生产过程中从血液、脐带和胎盘里获得。

    Thanks to the gynaecologists , the nurses and the midwives who participated in the study , biological samples were extracted from the blood , the umbilical cord and the placenta during childbirth .

  5. 在这一战略框架下,众多国家已承诺提高计划生育、产前保健及熟练接生员的可及性,这必将降低死产数量。

    In the framework of the Strategy , numerous countries have committed to improving access to family planning , antenatal care and skilled birth attendants , which should lead to reductions in stillbirths .