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  • wrasse
  1. 西大西洋中的大濑鱼;成熟公鱼有象猪一样口鼻。

    Large wrasse of western Atlantic ; head of male resembles a pig 's snout .

  2. 热带大西洋中的小濑鱼。

    Small wrasse of tropical Atlantic .

  3. 西印度群岛和地中海中头部有薄而锋利边沿的几种小濑鱼。

    Any of several small wrasses with compressed sharp-edged heads of the West Indies and Mediterranean .

  4. 颜色鲜艳的圣达哥濑鱼吸引世界各地的潜水爱好者来到普奈茨海洋保护区。

    Undisturbed species like Sandager 's wrasse attract sport divers from around the globe to Poor Knights reserve .

  5. 大鱼在水中会伺机捕捉小鱼。热带大西洋中的小濑鱼。

    The big fish will be on the take in the water . small wrasse of tropical Atlantic .

  6. 这是来自亚洲的羊首濑鱼,它被经常出没日本海域的人们所喜爱,人们给它起了一个花名“怪物史瑞克”。

    ' Shrek'is a type of Asian sheepshead wrasse which are well-known for the odd protrusions on their head and are relatively common in the waters around Japan .

  7. 这只长相奇特的亚洲羊首濑鱼是被日本潜水爱好者拍摄到的,当一眼看到这只样貌古怪的大脸鱼的时候,摄影师不禁将它与迪士尼热映电影《怪物史瑞克》联系其拉里。

    The Asian sheepshead wrasse who has been nicknamed ' Shrek ' by scuba divers who spotted him off the coast of Japan . But this particular specimen is so odd-looking that scuba divers who videoed him instantly christened him after the famous animated ogre from the hit films .