
sà mó yà rén
  • Samoan
  1. 不管怎么说他是个萨摩亚人。

    What 's the nigger gonna do , he 's samoan .

  2. 你是萨摩亚人吗?

    What are you , samoan ?

  3. 官员们指出,虽然美属萨摩亚人的伤口开始痊愈,他们将会很快开始长期的恢复进程。

    Officials say they will soon begin the process of long-term recovery , as American Samoans begin to heal their wounds .

  4. 一种由长方形印花布制成的波利尼西亚服装,尤指萨摩亚人的,松散地围于腰间。

    A Polynesian , especially Samoan , garment consisting of a rectangular piece of printed cotton tied loosely around the waist .

  5. 不幸的是,对于米德而言,接受她采访的萨摩亚人告诉她男女混交这些放荡的故事,她如实地作了报道。

    Unfortunately for Mead , the youths she interviewed in Samoa told her wild tales of sexual promiscuity and Mead reported it all as fact .

  6. 在人们心中有这样的印象,美籍亚裔中的老人(中国、日本、朝鲜菲律宾及萨摩亚人)受到家庭的单独照顾,因此不需要帮助。

    Asian-American elderly ( Chinese , Japanese , Korean , Filipino and Samoan ) are victims of a public impression that they are independently cared fro by their families and therefore do not need help .

  7. 萨摩亚岛本地人或居民。异质型人力资本报酬递增本质&兼与丁栋虹教授商榷

    A native or inhabitant of the Samoan Islands . The Essence of Increasing Returns of Idiosyncratic Human Capital & Refinement of the Concept of Idiosyncratic Human Capital

  8. 萨摩亚花裙一种由长方形印花布制成的波利尼西亚服装,尤指萨摩亚人的,松散地围于腰间属于南太平洋中的萨摩亚群岛的法国玻璃你西亚群岛中的群岛。

    A Polynesian , especially Samoan , garment consisting of a rectangular piece of printed cotton tied loosely around the waist . an island group of French Polynesia in the S Pacific east of Samoa .