
  • 网络PTWC;Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre;The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
  1. 太平洋海啸预警中心称此次震中位于内陆,不会造成破坏性海啸的发生。

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says it was located too far inland to create a destructive wave .

  2. 太平洋海啸预警中心在地震后立即发布了海啸预警,但是该预警很快作废。

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did issue a tsunami warning immediately after that quake , but it quickly d.

  3. 太平洋海啸预警中心发表声明,称没有大面积的海啸威胁。

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a statement saying there was no threat of a widespread , destructive tsunami .

  4. 日本气象部门和美国太平洋海啸预警中心在千岛群岛发生强烈地震之后发布了日本和俄罗斯太平洋海岸可能会发生海啸的预警。

    Pacific Tsunami Warning Center have issued a tsunami warning for Japan and Russia 's Pacific Coast after a powerful earthquake struck the Kuril islands .

  5. 太平洋海啸预警中心没有发出预警或建议海滩度假村酒店,比如波多黎各天使酒店还有任何损坏的报告。

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center had no warning or advisory in place and hotels in beach resorts like Puerto Angel also reported no damage .

  6. 根据位于夏威夷依瓦海滩的太平洋海啸预警中心的历史记录,过去周二这样的地震发生之后并没有大规模破坏性的太平洋海啸发生。

    There was no destructive Pacific Ocean-wide tsunami threat following Tuesday 's quake , based on historical data , according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach , Hawaii .