
  • 网络the Palmyra Atoll
  1. 多年的船上生活让他心生厌倦,他于是接受了看管巴尔米拉环礁的工作,负责警告船只避开暗礁以及驱逐环礁的破坏者。

    Exhausted by his years on the boat , he agreed to take a job as the island 's caretaker , warning ships off the reefs and 15 ) discouraging vandals .

  2. 上世纪80年代早期,莱科斯曲特在经历离婚以及变卖两个餐馆这些事情后,开着自己的游艇花了近12年的时间来环游世界。最后,在他四十来岁时,他来到了巴尔米拉环礁。

    He 14 ) wound up there in his mid-40s , after nearly a dozen years of sailing around the world on his yacht , following his divorce and the sale of two restaurants in the early 1980s .

  3. 从1992年到2000年这些年间,莱科斯曲特是偏远的巴尔米拉热带环礁上唯一的居民。巴尔米拉环礁是北太平洋岛链上的一个岛,位于夏威夷以南,与夏威夷相距1000多英里。

    Mr. Lextrait was the sole inhabitant of the remote tropical 13 ) atoll of Palmyra , in an island chain in the Northern Pacific Ocean , more than 1000 miles south of Hawaii , from 1992 to 2000 .