
  • 网络Baal-zephon
  1. 从以倘起行、转到比哈希录、是在巴力洗分对面、就在密夺安营。

    They left Etham , turned back to Pi Hahiroth , to the east of Baal Zephon , and camped near Migdol .

  2. 埃及人追赶他们,法老一切的马匹,车辆,马兵,与军兵就在海边上,靠近比哈希录,对着巴力洗分,在他们安营的地方追上了。

    But the Egyptians pursued after them , all the horses and chariots of pharaoh , and his horsemen , and his army , and overtook them encamping by the sea , beside pihahiroth , before baalzephon .