
  1. 第一部分首先指出哲学与文学的关系问题在萨特研究中不容忽视,哲学与文学的自觉沟通是萨特文学作品、文艺论著的重要特点。

    The first part indicates that the relationship between philosophy and literature should be paid attention to since the conscious interaction is a vital characteristic of Sartre 's literary works .

  2. 国内萨特的研究工作主要集中在对其前期代表作《存在与虚无》的分析及萨特艺术理论的美学探讨,萨特哲学、政治中涉及的美学思想一直为研究者所忽视。

    The domestic researchers mainly concentrated on analyzing his masterpiece and aesthetic discussion of his art in his earlier stage . The aesthetic thought of Sartre 's philosophy and politics that has been ignored by researchers all the time .

  3. 自由的虚无&萨特的虚无思想研究

    Free Nothingness : Satre 's Thought of Nothingness