
zhòng zhèn
  • a place of strategic importance;key position;an important city
重镇 [zhòng zhèn]
  • [place of strategic importance] 军事上占重要战略位置的城镇,也泛指在其他某方面占重要地位的城镇

  • 工业重镇

  • 为国重镇。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

重镇[zhòng zhèn]
  1. 在1200年间,一度是中国西南的重镇。

    It was once an important city in southwest China during the past 1200 years .

  2. 秦、汉和三国时期北京地区是中国北方的重镇。

    In Qin Dynasty , Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms period Beijing is an important city in the northern China .

  3. 这里的小马之所以淘气,是因为海托是旅游重镇,游客们不断地给小马喂食,尽管有人叹着气要求他们不要。

    The reason why the ponies here are naughty is that Haytor is a tourist-heavy area and tourists are constantly feeding the ponies foods , despite sighs asking them not to .

  4. 在南部重镇巴士拉(Basra),有愤怒的群众抗议糟糕的公共服务。

    There have been angry mass protests in Basra , the main town of the south , against dire public services .

  5. 录音带上是那些过来人苍老的声音,回忆为人盛传的比尔街(BealeStreet)的鼎盛时期,这条街曾是中南部黑人文化的重镇。

    The voices on the tapes were those of old parties recalling the heyday of the fabled Beale Street , once the main street of black culture in the Mid-South .

  6. 反政府军随后向西挺进,夺回了石油重镇布瑞加(Brega)与拉斯拉努夫,途中几乎没有遇到抵抗。

    The rebels then moved west , retaking the oil town of Brega and Ras Lanuf , meeting little resistance .

  7. 在中国制造业重镇——东莞市的一家工厂外,校车放下了一群孩子。这些孩子的父母就在这家美驰图(Maisto)玩具厂工作,生产比美高(Bburago)车模收藏品和遥控玩具车。

    Outside a factory in Dongguan , a city in China 's manufacturing heartlands , school buses drop off children whose parents work at the Maisto toy factory , which manufactures Bburago collectable cars and radio-controlled vehicles .

  8. 一直到元朝,都是军事重镇和漕粮转运中心。

    Until yuan dynasty , it was military and rice transportation center .

  9. 十堰是我国南方汽车工业的重镇。

    Shiyan is an auto powerhouse in the south China .

  10. 我方会继续向工业重镇施袭。

    Bombs will have to be dropped on more industries .

  11. 数百名反对派战士逃离了石油重镇布雷加。

    Hundreds of opposition fighters have fled the oil town of Brega .

  12. 同时敦煌作为中西交通的重镇地位仍然屹立不动。

    Meanwhile Dunhuang status as a center of Chinese traffic still stands solidity .

  13. 柳州是西南地区的工业重镇。

    Liuzhou is an industry base in southwest China .

  14. 成为扼东北、华北咽喉要塞的军事重镇。

    A brief Northeast , North China 's military fortress city of the throat .

  15. 再来看看工业重镇重庆一些反复出现的景象。

    And then there are the abiding images from the industrial powerhouse of Chongqing .

  16. 去年他在广州以东的制造业重镇惠州打工。

    Last year he worked in Huizhou , a manufacturing town east of Guangzhou .

  17. 从军事重镇到工商重镇&重庆城市发展轨迹研究

    From a Military Town to a Commercial City On the Development Track of Chongqing

  18. 如北京和西安这样的城市,数个世纪以来都是政治和商业重镇。

    Cities like Beijing and Xian have been political and commercial powerhouses for centuries .

  19. 朔州为著名的历史重镇。

    ShuoZhou is a famous historic town .

  20. 上海作为中国文化和商业的重镇,已有数个世纪之久。从1972年第一次到上海开展鞋品和纺织品贸易至今,我来上海的次数恐怕不下百次。

    Shanghai has over the centuries been the leading cultural and commercial metropolis of China .

  21. 南澳历来是海防重镇,兵家必争之地。

    South Australia has always been a city of Haiphong , the military vital importance .

  22. 波士顿:美国文化重镇

    Boston : Hearth of American Culture

  23. 在牛津这个后来崛起的汽车工业重镇,莫里斯度过了他的童年。

    This was the rise in Oxford city 's automobile industry , Morris spent his childhood .

  24. 甘肃西部的敦煌在古代是丝绸之路上的重镇。

    Dunhuang in western Gansu was an important town on the Silk Road in ancient time .

  25. 一是中国沿海地区制造业重镇工人们的期望上升了。

    One from workers ' heightened expectations in the manufacturing cities of China 's coastal provinces .

  26. 就在本周,苏丹轰炸了南苏丹一个地区性的石油重镇,造成一些平民丧生。

    This week , Sudan bombed a regional oil capital in the south , killing civilians .

  27. 波士顿是美国文化重镇以及依然居教育、医学和音乐领导地位的城市。

    Hearth of American culture and still a leader in education , medicine , and music .

  28. 用四年的时间剪出了自己的代表作《九边重镇老榆林》。

    Sheared own representative work with four years 《 nine side key figure old Yu wood 》 .

  29. 要找到它,你需要从这个学术重镇向西走大约2700英里(约4300多公里)。

    To find it from this center of learning , turn west and go about 2,700 miles .

  30. 陕西榆林是明代北部边境上防御蒙古部的重镇之一。

    Yulin of Shaanxi is one of strategic posts for defending Mongolia tribe in the north border .