
  • 网络sharif;Cherif;Sherif;Sheriff
  1. 不过,已被捕获的人员名单还是能另谢里夫满意的。

    Still , the list of those caught pleases Mr Sherif .

  2. 谢里夫告诉所有男孩-,营地的水管被截断了,他们要全部出动保护营地。

    Sherif told the kids all of the kids that the water line to the camp was cut and they all had to defend the camp .

  3. 巴基斯坦总理谢里夫上个月在联合国大会(UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly)上发表讲话时要求允许巴基斯坦加入核供应国集团。

    As part of his speech to the United Nations General Assembly last month , Prime Minister Sharif called for Pakistan to be allowed to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group .

  4. 分析家J.PeterPham说,谢里夫总统需要尽快加强有影响力的团体对政府的支持,比如教士,宗族长者,公民社团领导和商人。

    Analyst J. Peter Pham says President Sharif needs to quickly shore up support for his government among influential groups such as clerics , clan elders , civil society leaders , and businessmen .

  5. 最近在瓜达尔召开的一次会议上,巴基斯坦陆军参谋长拉希勒•谢里夫上将(RaheelSharif)指责印度企图破坏该项目。

    At a recent conference in Gwadar , Pakistan 's Army Chief , General Raheel Sharif , accused India of deliberately attempting to undermine the project .

  6. 谢里夫及其政府同意AMISOM留在索马里训练索马里安全部队。

    President Sharif and his government gave their approval for AMISOM troops to stay in Somalia to train Somali security forces .

  7. 巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(谢里夫派)PakistanMuslimLeague(Nawaz)誓言将向最高法院立即提起上诉。不到3周前,最高法院宣布,作为巴基斯坦公民,谢里夫享有不可剥夺的回国权利。

    The Pakistan Muslim League ( Nawaz ) pledged to launch an immediate appeal before the Supreme Court , which less than three weeks ago proclaimed that Mr Sharif , as a Pakistani citizen , had an inalienable right to return to the country .

  8. 有猜测说,很快首相Yousuf·RazaGilani可以与Nawaz·谢里夫一道玩一场政治游戏以便扎尔达里从总统府那儿感到放心。

    There are Speculations that soon in future Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani may play a political game along with Nawaz Sharif so that Zardari is relieved from the President office .

  9. 巴基斯坦官员一直未曾公开谈论这一最新协议。该协议是在年中悄悄签署的,并于7月初完成最后细节的讨论,差不多正是巴基斯坦总理谢里夫(NawazSharif)访华的时节。

    Pakistani officials haven 't talked publicly about this latest agreement , which was quietly signed around midyear and closed in early July , about the time Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited China .

  10. Lamamra和其他与会人员表示对来自摩加迪沙错误和误导性的媒体报道感到沮丧。这些报道均暗示暴力活动的加深,谢里夫脆弱政府的即将垮台和伊斯兰统治强硬路线的提升。

    Lamamra and others attending the meeting expressed frustration at what they called false and misleading media reports coming from Mogadishu , many suggesting a

  11. 接着谢里夫便离开了:被一个汽车列队匆忙地带走,这些汽车中可能还包括由沙特阿拉伯国王阿布杜拉赠送给pml-n政党的两辆防弹汽车。

    Then Mr Sharif is gone : whisked away by a motorcade that may include the two bullet-proof cars given to the PML-N by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia .

  12. 谢里夫宣布在斋月财政援助这些家庭。

    Sharif announced financial assistance to these families for the month of Ramadan .

  13. 一位叫阿里.穆巴拉克的选民也把票投给了谢里夫的政党支持的一名候选人。

    Ali Mubarak also voted for a candidate backed by Mr. Sharif 's party .

  14. 美国特使早些时候会见了新联合政府的重要人物谢里夫。

    They earlier met Mr. Sharif , a key player in the new coalition .

  15. 穆沙拉夫将军随即接管了政权,并将谢里夫关进阿托克堡的监狱。

    Musharraf then seized power and threw Sharif into a dungeon in Attock Fort .

  16. 在查查让谢里夫这个村子,人们以畜牧业为生。

    In the village of chachran Sharif , people depend on livestock for a living .

  17. 谢里夫派成为强力支持恢复司法制度的中流砥柱。

    Sharif has made the restoration of the judiciary a central pillar of his policy .

  18. 他和巴基斯坦总理谢里夫热烈握手和拥抱。

    He was greeted with a handshake and embrace from Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz sharif .

  19. 墨西哥大学地震研究所的领导谢里夫•克里斯蒂娜博士如是说道。

    Doctor Shrief Christna saying is head of the seismological Institute of the University of Mexico .

  20. 谢里夫在外交政策问题上的影响力可能会受到巴基斯坦强大军队的左右,

    Sharif 's influence on foreign policy issues could be tempered by Pakistan 's powerful military ,

  21. 在与谢里夫队的比赛之后,迪纳摩球员迅速离开了场地。

    After the match , with " Sheriff " footballers " Dinamo " left field oppressed .

  22. 预计,扎尔达里和谢里夫星期四在伊斯兰堡会晤时将讨论他们各自党的计划。

    Zardari and Sharif are expected to meet Thursday in Islamabad to discuss their parties ' plans .

  23. 分析师表示谢里夫的首要任务将是国内问题,如停电和民不聊生的通货膨胀问题。

    Analysts said Sharif 's top priorities will be domestic problems like power outages and painful inflation .

  24. 阿斯玛拉团体与其他三个反对谢里夫政府的团体组成了联盟。

    The Asmara group formed an alliance with three other groups to oppose President Sharif 's government .

  25. 事实上这样的谢里夫发表的声明是因为这些环境和没以现实为基础。

    In fact such a statement by Sharif was because of the circumstances and not based on reality .

  26. 据分析这是另一个对于谢里夫维持一种与华盛顿的积极关系的重要原因。

    According to analysts , that is another important reason for Sharif to maintain a positive relationship with Washington .

  27. 因此,在同谢里夫的私下谈判里,扎尔达里同意恢复这些法官的职务,但不包括那些可能会对自己产生威胁的人。

    In private negotiations with Mr Sharif , he therefore offered to restore all the judges except these possible spoilers .

  28. 纳瓦兹.谢里夫因为太担心穆沙拉夫将军的反应,企图禁止飞机降落在巴基斯坦。

    Nawaz Sharif was so worried about his reaction that he tried to stop the plane from landing in Pakistan .

  29. 谢里夫总统说,政府需要国际维和部队的帮助,重新建立秩序,并且希望非盟驻索马里特派团留下来。

    President Sharif says the government needs the help of international peacekeepers to re-establish order and wants AMISOM troops to stay .

  30. 谢里夫想显现在这个国家没有一(个)在巴基斯坦的政治方面和他竞争。

    Sharif wanted to show that there is no one in the country to compete with him in politics of Pakistan .