
shuǐ jié ɡòu
  • water structure
  1. ~(17)O-NMR与拉曼光谱法研究CuCl2和CuSO4对水结构的影响

    The influence of cucl_2 , cuso_4 upon the water structure with ~ ( 17 ) o-nmr and Raman spectra

  2. 蒙脱石晶体结构和水结构的矿物物理特征

    The mineral physics characteristics of crystal structure and water structure in the montmorillonite

  3. 考虑表面波影响时挡水结构的动水压力

    Hydrodynamic Pressures on Retaining Structure Considering Effect of Water Surface Wave

  4. 挡水结构地震动水压力时域有限元分析

    Analysis of Hydrodynamic Pressure on Retaining Structure during Earthquakes Using Time-Dependent FEM

  5. 脉冲电场对水结构影响的研究

    The Effect of Electric Field on the Qualities of Water

  6. 控水结构面透水性的模糊综合评价方法

    Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Methods for Water Permeability of Structure Plane

  7. 混凝土闸门封水结构设计与应用

    Design and Application of Sealing Structure of Concrete Gate

  8. 红外光谱研究以非离子型表面活性剂所组成微乳液的水结构

    FT - IR Spectroscopic Studies on Water Structure in Microemulsion with Nonionic Surfactant

  9. 地下阻水结构物对基坑降水流场的影响

    Influence on Seepage Field in Foundation Excavation Dewatering of Underground Water Blocking Structure

  10. 磁场对水结构的影响

    The Influence of Magnetic Field on Water Structure

  11. 然而,没有将熄灭他的成见与水结构。

    However , his obsession with the structure of water was not to be extinguished .

  12. 对不同灌水次数和灌水量处理的土壤水分变化、耗水结构及作物水分利用率进行分析。

    Due to different soil types and rainfall years , the range of summer maize potential water use efficiency was8 .

  13. 采用面积定额法估算泾河流域31个县的农作物需水量,从农作物需水结构着手,探讨农业用水存在的问题。

    The quota-area method was used to estimate water demands of agricultural crops in 31 counties of the Jinghe Watershed .

  14. 根据可压缩流体运动方程,推导建立了求解挡水结构动水压力的时域有限元公式。

    Based on the movement equation of compressible fluid , a time-dependent finite element formula for analysis of hydrodynamic pressure on retaining structure during earthquakes is derived .

  15. 灌区耗水结构随着灌溉和农业耕作技术的改进,无效的蒸发、渗漏减少,有效的作物蒸腾增加。

    With the improvement of irrigation and farming technique , the unavailable evaporation and seepage are reduced and the effective crop transpiration is increased in irrigation areas .

  16. 面板作为面板堆石坝的挡水结构,在面板堆石坝设计中占有重要地位。

    The concrete face slab as the water barrier of rockfill dam , it is very crucial in the overall design of rockfill dam with concrete face slab .

  17. 水平油水分层条件下阻抗含水率计仿真实验研究地下阻水结构物对基坑降水流场的影响

    Simulation and experimental study on the impedance sensor in oil-water stratified flow of horizontal wells Influence on Seepage Field in Foundation Excavation Dewatering of Underground Water Blocking Structure

  18. 根据水分驱动生态演变模型,以水分运动和补给条件,研究了内陆河平原生态系统的需水结构。

    Based on water-driven ecological evolution model , this paper , started with water movement and supply conditions , researched the plain ecosystem water demand structure of inland rivers .

  19. 这些结果用胶团溶液结构,离子与胶团的相互作用,离子的水合能力,水结构改变和活度积效应来解释。

    These results are interpreted in terms of the structure of the micelle solution , electrostatic interactions between ions and micelles , ionic hydratability , changes in the water structure and an activity product effect .

  20. 钢吊箱围堰是桩承台施工的临时围水结构,其作用是通过吊箱围堰的侧板、底板及其上的封底混凝土围水。

    The steel box sling cofferdam is the temporary structure to stop surrounding water to facilitate the construction of the high-stake bearing platform . Its function is to surround water by the box sling cofferdam 's side boards , bottom boards and back-covered concrete .

  21. 为了探讨灌水和非灌水条件下冬小麦对水分的利用特点,在大田条件下研究了灌水与非灌水两种处理对冬小麦的耗水结构、土壤水分利用程度及水分与产量之间的关系。

    In order to understand the characteristics of soil water with winter wheat , the water consumption structure , usable degree of soil water , and relation between soil water and yield were studied under the conditions of irrigation and no irrigation in the field .

  22. 本文介绍一种由双喷嘴侧射流流量测量机构、隔膜阀控制机构、防窃水结构、IC卡和单片机系统组成的一体化IC卡水表。

    This paper introduces a kind of principle of flow measurement that adopts siding structure efflux with double spray nozzle and magneto-electric transformation , which uses diaphragm valve and water steeling-proof to compose integration of IC card water current meter by IC card and monolithic processor .

  23. 大体积水工结构配筋CAD研究

    CAD Approach for Layout of Reinforcement in Large Volume Water Conservancy Works

  24. FBG传感器在水下结构工程中的应用

    Application of FBG sensors in under-water structure project

  25. 基于APDL及遗传算法的水工结构优化方法及其应用

    Research on Application of Water Engineering Structural Optimization Based on APDL and GA

  26. Li2SO4水溶液结构X射线衍射测量条件的优化和数据校正

    Optimization of Analytical Conditions and Data Correction for the X-ray Diffraction Study of Lithium Sulfate Solution Structure

  27. Zn-Al类水滑石结构正电荷对内禀电离平衡常数的影响

    Effect of Permanent Charge on the Intrinsic Ionization Constant of Zn-Al Hydrotalcite-like Compounds

  28. 采用共沉淀法在氮气与空气气氛下合成不同Al3+/Fe3+绿锈类水滑石结构铁氧化合物,通过XRD对其进行表征。

    Green-rust of iron oxides with Al3 + / Fe3 + were prepared by coprecipitation in air and N2 atmosphere and characterized by XRD and BET .

  29. 电力市场框架的初步探讨热-电模型(H-E模型)方法研究水泥初始水化结构与历程

    Initial Research on the Structure of Electric Market A HEAT - ELECTRIC MODEL OF THE CEMENT INITIAL HYDRATION

  30. 适宜PCG方法的水工结构有限元刚度矩阵形成、组集和存储的新方法

    New Methods of Finite Element Stiffness Matrix ′ s Formation , Assemblage and Storage Suitable for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method in Hydraulic Structures