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  • 网络Water conservancy scenic spot;water park
  1. 通过统筹安排水利风景区的功能结构与空间布局,综合协调纵观景、对岸景和鸟瞰景,以及功能区的详细规划等来保障规划的科学性。

    The science quality of the plan can be ensured by the function structure and space distribution of the water park was planned as a whole , longitudinal scenery , opposite bank scenery and birds-eye-view scenery were harmonized synthetically , and each function region was planned particularly .

  2. 通榆河枢纽水利风景区建设与管理的探索

    Construction and management of recreation area of Tongyu River Water Complex

  3. 湿地是水利风景区的重要组成部分。

    Water recreation areas are the key areas of wetlands in China .

  4. 聊城市徒骇河水利风景区定位与规划

    Planning of water scenery in Tuhai River in Liaocheng City and main theme development

  5. 关于水利风景区建设管理的思考

    Consideration of water recreation area construction management

  6. 浅析水利风景区湿地保护对策

    THE SCENIC AREAS FOR RECREATION IN BELORUSSIA Conservation measures of wetlands in water recreation areas

  7. 尽管水利风景区建设取得了一定的成效,但其发展仍面临诸多问题。

    Although the construction of Water Conservancy Tourism has gained some establishments , it still faces many problems .

  8. 国家级水利风景区分布及影响因素研究&基于空间自相关和固定效应模型的实证

    On the Influential Factors and Spatial Distribution of National Water Parks ' in China & Analysis based on the Spatial-Dependent Model and the Fix-effects Model

  9. 同时,也为基层水管单位进行水利风景区的开发建设与管理探索,从而实现从工程水利向资源水利转变,从传统水利向现代水利、可持续发展水利转变,作出了有益的尝试。

    It is also a beneficial trial for transferring from engineering measure focus to resource-oriented development , traditional management method to modern one and sustainable development of water resources .

  10. 其后分析南湾水利风景区生态风险和风险管理的关系,最终确定南湾水利风景区的生态预警机制。

    Analysis by south bay water conservancy scenic spot ecological risk and risk management , the relation between the final south bay water conservancy scenic spot of ecological early warning mechanism .

  11. 在水利风景区开发建设过程中,出现了湿地水环境污染、生物多样性减少、景观格局变化、湿地生态与环境功能退化等问题。

    During the development of water recreation areas , issues of water environment pollution , lessening of biological diversity , changes of landscape pattern , degradation of wetland ecological and environmental functions appeared .

  12. 以水为中心发展生态水利风景区,或以水工程为依托发展水利风景旅游区,已经成为实践治水新理念的一个切入点。

    Development of ecological water recreation area that centers on water or building water recreation tourist area in combination with water project has become a new penetration point in practicing new water man - agement concept .

  13. 我国水利旅游风景区的建设起步较晚,缺乏相关理论支持,因此我国水利旅游开发建设经过了从无序、粗放开发状态到逐渐成熟的过程。

    The construction of Water Conservancy Tourism Zone begins very late in our country . It lacks of the guidance of relative theory . Otherwise , the development and construction of Water conservancy tourism experienced the process from disorder and rough development to mature .

  14. 国家水利部将水利旅游作为水利经济的重要内容之一,并希望通过水利风景区建设推动水利旅游发展,使其成为水利行业新的经济增长点。

    The Ministry of Water Resources regards traveling in water conservancies as one of the important aspects of water conservancy economy and hope to promote the development of water conservancy traveling through the construction of scenic spots to make it a new growth engine of water conservancy trade .