
  • 网络buoyancy;buoyancy of water
  1. 指出:中层冷水是存在于密跃层之中,高密度(台湾暖流)水的浮力效应使其叠置于它的上方;

    It is pointed out that ICW occurs in the pycnocline and superimposes on the pycnocline due to the buoyancy effect of Taiwan Warm Current water with high density .

  2. 进一步分析认为,这是由于压力水的浮力、区域挤压构造应力和水体载荷静压力共同作用的结果,而压力水的浮力在库区断层活动中起着主导作用。

    Through further analysis , it is considered that this may be the results of buoyancy of pressure water , regional compressional tectonic stress and quiet pressure of water load , where the buoyancy of pressure water is playing the important part in the fault motion at the reservoir area .

  3. 是否发生浮力流只取决于油、气与水的密度差,浮力流是二次运移最基本的流动模式。

    Buoyant ascent , caused only by the difference between the densities of hydrocarbons and water , is the basic mode of the secondary migration .

  4. 由于水的静压力、浮力、阻力以及水的导热性能与陆上运动不同,水中运动将对人体生理机能产生与陆上运动不同的影响。

    Because of the different of pressure , buoyancy , resistance and heat conductivity between water and land , The effect of under water exercise on body 's physiological function was different from the land .

  5. 授水壶内的水越来越多,标尺受到水的浮力作用逐渐上升,人们通过标尺浮出水面的刻度,就可以知道时间了。

    As more and more water drops into the Wa-ter-receiving Pot , the gauge gradually in-creases with the buoyancy of water . And thus people could tell the time through the scale above the water .

  6. 鸡蛋与水并不发生反应,鸡蛋的重力大于水的浮力,所以沉在水底。

    Nothing takes place in the water , the force of the egg is heavier than the buoyancy force , the egg sink into the water .