
shuǐ wán
  • Water pill;water-bindered pill
水丸[shuǐ wán]
  1. HPLC法测定黄连上清丸(水丸)盐酸小檗碱含量

    Content Determination of Berberine Hydrochloride in Huanglian Shangqing Water Pills by HPLC

  2. 目的:建立HPLC法对香附丸(水丸)中芍药苷的含量测定方法。

    Objective : An HPLC method was developed for determination of Paeoniflorin in Xiangfu Pills ( Shuiwan ) .

  3. 前列腺水丸对慢性细菌性前列腺炎大鼠血清IL-6和TNF-α水平的影响

    Effects of Prostate Water Pellets on the Serum Levels of IL-6 and TNF - α in Rats with Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis

  4. 目的:探讨前列腺水丸对慢性细菌性前列腺炎(CBP)大鼠血清白细胞介素6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)水平的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of Prostate Water Pellets ( PWP ) on serum levels of IL-6 and TNF - α in rats with chronic bacterial prostatitis ( CBP ) .

  5. 结果SATP能明显降低实验性脑缺血大鼠的脑含水量,改善脑组织病理变化,提高脑组织SOD活性,降低MDA、Ca2+及LA含量,水丸的作用效果强于蜜丸。

    Results SATP can decrease cerebral water content , lessen pathological change , increase SOD activity and decrease MDA , Ca 2 + , and LA contents . Effect of water pill is better than that of honey pill .

  6. 结论:前列腺水丸对大鼠CBP有一定治疗作用,其作用机制可能与降低血液中细胞因子IL-6、TNF-α水平有关。

    Conclusion : It has effect to treat CBP rat with the PWP and its mechanism may relate with the decreasing levels of proinflammatory cytokines ( IL-6 and TNF-a ) in blood . They always connected water with their attitude .

  7. 心肌宁水丸治疗病毒性心肌炎的疗效观察

    Clinical Effect Observation on Treating Viral Myocarditis with Xin-Ji-Ning-Wan

  8. 气管炎浓缩丸是由气管炎丸(水丸)改变剂型研制而来。

    Bronchitis Condensate Pill was changed from Bronchitis Pill by modified the form .

  9. 结论:糖足康水丸治疗糖尿病足有明显疗效。

    Conclusion : Tangzukang water paste pills had obvious curative effect in treating diabetic foot .

  10. 吞咽每个水丸所需的吞咽次数和吞咽时间与最大吸气压有明显的相关性。

    The number of swallows and total swallowing time per bolus correlated significantly to maximal inspiratory pressure .

  11. 前列腺Ⅰ号水丸对慢性细菌性前列腺炎模型大鼠疗效的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Curative Effect of Prostate Water Pellets ⅰ Against Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis of Model Rats

  12. 方法:本课题利用现代科学手段,从整体、细胞、分子水平对该前列腺水丸进行了动物实验研究。

    Methods : we have done experimental researches by using modern scientific methods on levels of body , cell and molecule .

  13. 我还给了她一些利尿剂,俗称水丸,帮助她将体内多余的水分排出。

    I gave her medications that we call diuretics , water pills , to get her to pee out the access fluid .

  14. 牛黄解毒丸(水丸)雄黄含量测定方法研究花生中黄曲霉毒素的影响因子及脱毒技术研究

    A method has been developed for the content determination of realgar in Niuhuang Jiedu Wan ( water pill ) Impact Factor and Detoxification of Aflatoxins in Peanuts

  15. 本论文将原片剂改制成水丸,探讨了药材的提取、水丸的制备工艺,并建立了质量标准。

    The thesis should tablet change into watered pill and investigation on the extraction technology and preparation of Qianlietong watered pill at same time established quality standard .

  16. 制丸机和糖衣机生产水泛丸的比较

    Comparison of Water Pills Prepared by Pill Machine and Sugar Coater

  17. 水引发时间和丸化种干燥方法对烟草丸化种发芽和幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of Water Priming Duration and Different Drying Methods of Pelleted Seed on Germination of Tobacco Pelleted Seeds and Seedling Growth