
xiǎo wán
  • Small pill;parvule;piller;globule;bolus
小丸[xiǎo wán]
  1. 以壳聚糖与三磷酸钠为交联剂交联制得水杨酸胃漂浮小丸,并考察交联溶液pH和干燥方法对小丸漂浮情况和释放行为的影响。

    Salicylic acid pellets floating in stomach were prepared with chitosan using sodium tripolyphosphate as cross-linking agent .

  2. pH依赖-缓释型美沙拉秦结肠靶向小丸的制备与体外评价

    Preparation and Evaluation of pH - Dependent and Sustained - release Pellets for Mesalazine Colon Targeted Delivery

  3. 目的建立HPLC测定硫酸沙丁胺醇控释小丸胶囊释放度的方法。

    Objective A HPLC method was established to determine the dissolution of salbutamol capsules .

  4. 方法:将含20μg脂多糖的缓释小丸植入兔角膜基质以诱导角膜新生血管。

    · METHODS : Slow-release pellets containing lipopolysaccharide 20 μ g were prepared and implanted into the rabbit 's corneal stroma near the limbus to induce neovascularization .

  5. 结论:Amb包衣小丸具有理想的缓释效果。

    CONCLUSIONS The pellets ambroxol hydrochloride exhibited ideal sustained-release characteristics .

  6. 目的:研制盐酸氨溴索(Amb)包衣小丸,评价其体外释药特性及释药机制。

    OBJECTIVE To develop an ambroxol hydrochloride coated pellets and evaluate its release characteristics and mechanism in vitro .

  7. 结论EudragitFs30D/瓜尔胶双层包衣小丸可将绝大部分的药物运送至结肠释放,因此具有良好的结肠定位释药特性。

    CONCLUSION Eudragit FS30D / guar gum doubled coated pellets have potential to deliver drug to the colon .

  8. 结论:包衣液中加入被结肠酶特异性降解的Amylose可以使小丸具有结肠定位释放的特性。

    Conclusion : The colon specific targeting enzyme controlled release pellets could be prepared by adding amylose that can be decomposed by a colon specific enzyme , to the coating solution .

  9. 结论:可初步认为控释小丸的稳定性良好。

    CONCLUSION : Controlled release pellets have a good stability .

  10. 润湿粘合剂对小丸制备的影响

    Effect of Moistening and Binding Agents on Pellets Preparation

  11. 银杏总内酯控释小丸的稳定性研究

    Study of stability on controlled release pellets of Ginkgolides

  12. 定志小丸对学习记忆和抗应激能力的影响

    Influence of Dingzhi small pill on the abilities of studying memory and anti-stress

  13. 盐酸氨溴索包衣小丸的制备及其释药特性

    Preparation and release characteristics of ambroxol hydrochloride coated pellets

  14. 克拉霉素胃漂浮小丸的制备及其体外释药研究

    Preparation of Clarithromycin Floating Beads and Research on its Release Behavior in Vitro

  15. 双氯灭痛控释小丸制备工艺及释放度测定

    Preparation of Diclofenac Sodium Controlled Release Pellets and Dissolution

  16. 尼群地平小丸的乳化溶剂扩散法制备

    Preparation of Nitrendipine Pellets by Emulsion Solvent Diffusion Method

  17. 法莫替丁定时释放小丸的释药机制

    Drug release mechanism of famotidine time-controlled release pellets

  18. 果胶钙骨架型结肠定位小丸的制备及体外释放度

    Study on the preparation and in vitro drug release of calcium pectinate colon-specific pellets

  19. 方法:离心造粒法制备空白丸芯及载药小丸;

    Methods : Sugar core beads and drug-containing pellets were prepared by centrifugal granulation .

  20. 氟比洛芬乙基纤维素水分散体包衣小丸的制备及体外释药特性

    Preparation and release characteristics in vitro of flurbiprofen pellets coated with ethylcellulose aqueous dispersion

  21. 盐酸坦洛新胃漂浮缓释小丸的制备与体外释放

    Preparation and in vitro release of tamsulosin hydrochloride in floating stagnation sustained release pellets

  22. pH-酶双重促发的吲哚美辛结肠定位释药小丸的体外释药研究

    In vitro release studies of pH - , enzyme-double triggered colon-specific delivery pellets of indomethacin

  23. 壳聚糖胃漂浮小丸的制备

    Preparation of Chitosan Pellets Floating in Stomach

  24. 释放度实验考察小丸的体外释药特性。

    The release characteristics in vitro of the pellets were investigated by the dissolution trials .

  25. 目的:制备氟比洛芬包衣小丸,评价其体外释药特性。

    Objective : To prepare flurbiprofen coated pellets and evaluate its release characteristics in vitro .

  26. 双氯灭痛控释小丸的制备及健康自愿者多剂量给药后体内评价

    Preparation of diclofenac sodium controlled release pellets and multiple - dose evaluation in healthy volunteers

  27. 结果:包衣小丸表面光滑圆整,不同批次间小丸释药重现性良好;

    RESULTS : The surface of the coated pellets was smooth and glossy and round .

  28. 在这个意义上,光子大大不同于物质的细粒或小丸。

    In this sense photons differ very much from little grains or bullets of matter .

  29. 方法:对美拉托宁进行薄膜包衣,制成缓释小丸,制备缓释胶囊。

    Methods : Melatonin sustained-release capsules were prepared by film coated and made sustained-release tiny pill .

  30. 如果你把小丸拿走,他就不会再推围栏了。

    If you take away the pellet , he won 't push the bar at all .