
xiǎo xiān wéi
  • fibril;fibrilla
小纤维[xiǎo xiān wéi]
  1. 交感节后C类小纤维具有显著的易损性。

    Sympathesis post-ganglion C type small fiber has the characteristic of fragility .

  2. PTPα是小纤维髓鞘形成的负性调节分子

    PTP α Acts as a Negative Modulator of Myelination of Small CNS Axons

  3. 一部分有四肢麻木、疼痛伴或不伴少汗而NCV正常的患者可能并不是神经症,而是有小纤维损害。

    Some patients with limbs numbness and pain may not neurosis but small fiber neuropathy .

  4. 在不同小眼的横切面上,光感受器细胞相邻的位置观察到2-5个近似圆形的膜包围体(membrane-limitedbodies),它们可能是一些离心的小纤维束。

    In different ommatidia cross-sections , where the membrane of neighboring photoreceptor cells join , two to five roughly circular membrane-limited bodies , which may be centrifugal fibers , are observed .

  5. 目的运用定量感觉检查技术对中风后肩手综合征(SHS)患者的温度觉及振动觉进行定量分析,以了解小纤维神经功能状态及其与肩手综合征的关系。

    Objective : By measuring the sensory threshold of patients by means of quantitative sensory testing ( QST ) technology to evaluate the small fiber function and the relationship between its function and shoulder-hand syndrome ( SHS ) .

  6. 与乳糜泻相关的小纤维神经病/神经元病的皮肤活组织检查表现

    Small-fiber neuropathy / neuronopathy associated with celiac disease : Skin biopsy findings

  7. 由差不多均匀分布的小纤维覆盖。

    Covered with fibrils more or less evenly disposed .

  8. 以小纤维感觉神经受累为主的格林-巴利综合征咳嗽变异型哮喘

    Small fibre sensory neuropathy : the variant type of Guillain-Barre syndrome Cough variant asthma

  9. 只有粘附在裹尸布上的小纤维用作测试血液。

    Only fibrils lifted from the shroud on sticky tape were tested for blood .

  10. 小纤维一种细小的纤维或丝以纤弱和过于纤细为特征的。

    A small , slender fiber or filament . Characterized by weakness and excessive refinement .

  11. 布料是由机器织成的交叉缝式斜形织物,是由亚麻布小纤维组成,带有棉花小纤维。

    The cloth is woven in a herringbone twill and is composed of flax fibrils entwined with cotton fibrils .

  12. 纸张是一种经过专门加工后,由极为纤细的小纤维相互牢牢交织起来的纤维薄层所形成的薄膜物质。

    Paper is a specially processed by the extremely thin small fibers intertwined with each other firmly by the formation of thin-fiber thin-film material .

  13. 小纤维蛋白血栓可在脑、心脏、肺、肾以及其它器官的小动脉中形成,引起组织缺血。

    Small fibrin thrombi can form in small arteries of brain , heart , lungs , kidneys , and other organs to produce ischemic tissue damage .

  14. 纤维体积率是影响抗爆性能的关键因素,厚度小纤维体积率高的抗爆试件其抗爆性能优于厚度大而纤维体积率低的情况;

    The volume rate of fiber is the key factor that affect the capability to the anti-explosion , the thinner and higher test sample 's capability is better than the thicker and lower one ;

  15. 其病理特征为肺泡腔内有大量的蛋白分泌物,随后可伴有纤维组织弥漫增生,形成小纤维灶乃至矽结节。

    The pathology is characterized by a large number of alveolar protein secretion , followed by fibrous tissue may be associated with diffuse hyperplasia , the formation of silicon nodules and even small fiber lesions .

  16. 目的研究小梁纤维肌病(trabecularfibermyopathy,TFM)的临床和病理特征。

    Objective To analyze the clinical and pathological features of trabecular fiber myopathy ( TFM ) .

  17. 目的对腕管综合征病人(CTS)进行定量感觉测试(QST)研究,了解CTS病人是否存在小神经纤维的损害并客观评价其感觉障碍的程度。

    Objective The function of sensory nerve fibers in Carpal Tunnel Syndroms ( CTS ) was evaluated using QST . To demonstrate the impairment of small fibers in CTS , and to establish the diagnostic value of QST for CTS detection .

  18. 瘢痕疙瘩瘙痒、疼痛与小神经纤维的功能:对照性研究

    Pruritus , pain , and small nerve fiber function in keloids : A controlled study

  19. 原发性红斑肢痛症的组织病理学表现无特异性:特殊研究显示小神经纤维密度降低

    Histopathologic findings in primary erythromelalgia are nonspecific : Special studies show a decrease in small nerve fiber density

  20. 夹角越小,纤维排列越整齐,纤维在纱体中的平行度越好。

    The smaller the angle , the better the fiber alignment and the more parallel the fibers will be .

  21. 纤维直径越小、纤维长度越大,水泥砂浆抗塑性开裂能力越大;

    The smaller the fiber diameter and the longer the fiber length , the higher the abilities of anti-plastic-cracking will be .

  22. 厚度小的纤维板其振动加速度较大,声反射及声辐射能力均较强,但振动能量损耗较高。

    That fiberboards with smaller thickness have high vibration acceleration , acoustic reflex and acoustic radiation with high wastage of vibration energy .

  23. 天然竹纤维经松弛式烧碱处理后,纤维膨胀,中腔变小,纤维的结晶度和结晶指数均下降;

    After the slack caustic treatment , the bamboo fibers are swollen , the central hole or lumen becomes small , and the crystallinity is reduced .

  24. 在6例(10%)病人中,由于病变很小或纤维结节的原因,动脉期增强模式不能确定。

    In6 patients ( 10 % ), the arterial contrast enhancement pattern could not be determined because of the very small size of the lesions or fibrotic nodules .

  25. 研究表明,以涡轮层状相为主晶相,含氮量高,晶粒尺寸小的BN纤维具有良好的力学性能。

    It demonstrates that BN fiber has a sound mechanical function , when the most of crystalline phases are turbostratic-phases and whose nitrogen magnitude is high and size is small .

  26. 小本体聚丙烯纤维级树脂开发初探

    Preliminary Study on the Development of Fiber-grade Resin of Liguid Bulk Polypropylene

  27. 目的总结经胸部小切口胸膜纤维板剥脱术治疗慢性结核性脓胸的临床经验。

    Objective To summarize the experience of decortication treatment for chronic tuberculous empyema .

  28. 目的:探讨电视胸腔镜小切口胸膜纤维板剥脱术治疗亚急性脓胸的应用价值及治疗原则。

    Objective : To evaluate video assisted minithoracotomy ( VAMT ) in the treatment of the subacute pyothorax and the treatment principles .

  29. 由纤维和其它粘染物形成的小绒球依靠纤维的联接粘附在织物表面的现象称为起球现象。

    Pilling is the formation of small balls of fiber and other contaminants , called pills , which are held to the surface of cloth by anchoring fibers .

  30. 在2DPA至20DPA期间,白色棉和天然彩色棉纤维细胞中的蔗糖合成酶活性高且变化幅度很小,说明纤维细胞发育过程中碳水化合物代谢非常旺盛。

    Sucrose synthase activity in white and naturally colored cotton fiber varied little from 2 DPA o 20 DPA revealing high activity of carbohydrate metabolism during cotton fiber development .