
  1. 断垣残壁间的寻求与建构&对白嘉轩儒家文化身份的解读

    Interpretation of Bai Jiaxuan 's Cultural Identity as a Confucian

  2. 乡村君子·阶级本位·儒文化&姜尚公老爷与白嘉轩比照论

    Country Gentlemen , Class Standard , Confucian Culture ── A Comparison Between Jiang Shang-Gong and Bai Jia-Xuan

  3. 当代小说中传统伦理的隐与显&从梁生宝到白嘉轩的伦理观分析

    From LIANG Sheng-bao to BAI Jia-xuan : A Revelation of Traditional Ethics in Present Age Chinese Novels

  4. 从对白嘉轩这一人物形象的塑造中,我们可以看出作家对传统儒家道德的景仰和膜拜。

    Judging by th , molding of BAI Jia-xuan , we can sense the author 's respect and worship for traditional confucian ethics .

  5. 试论忠实践行儒家文化的白嘉轩形象《白鹿原》的主人公白嘉轩身上闪耀着无穷的魅力,他的一生就是实践儒家文化的一生。

    Bai Jia-xuan , the dramatis personae of the famous novel White Deer Plain , has boundless cultural charm , for his life is the faithful practitioner of Confucianism .

  6. 《白鹿原》中的叙述隐约地暗示,其主人公白嘉轩与《创业史》中的姚士杰是基于同一个生活原型。

    The narrative in % White Deer Field % indicates that its hero Bai Jiaxuan and that in % The History of Creating A Career % , Yao Shijie are based on the same model in life .