
  • 网络Plant pattern;plant line
  1. 秦汉时期的动植物纹装饰

    Decorative Pattern of Animals and Plants in the Dynasties of Qin and Han

  2. 青铜器的装饰纹样题材丰富多彩,主要有五大类,即神异动物纹、仿生动物纹、几何纹、植物纹和人物画像故事纹。

    Bronze ware decorative patterns with colorful themes , mainly contained five categories : miraculous animal images design , animal images bionic design , geometric patterns design , plant design and profile figure portraits design .

  3. 第四章是将婚嫁主题的吉祥图案按动物纹、植物纹、人物纹、器物纹进行分类并对其谐音、寓意和变形三种表现形式进行探讨。

    In the fourth chapter auspicious patterns in Chinese traditional wedding custom were classified as animal pattern , plant pattern , character pattern , plant pattern and we made an investigation on the three manifestations : homonym , meaning , and deformation .

  4. 仰韶彩陶艺术开创了我国彩绘艺术的先河,它的优美造型与绚丽多姿的彩绘和谐统一,动物纹从写实到写意,植物纹图案化,几何纹变幻奇妙,其文化内涵丰富深厚。

    Yangshao painted pottery has started Chinese painting art in combination with graceful moulding and colorful painting . It is characterized by the animal patterns varying from realistic style to liberal style including plant patterns and geometric patterns which embody profound cultural meaning .

  5. 在苗族的绚丽多姿的服饰中,有大量的动植物的变形纹图案,这些图案、花纹符号都有其特定的象征意义。

    In Miao 's gorgeous varied clothing , there are the massive zoology and botany distortion grain patterns , which all have their specific symbolic significance .

  6. 三种植物粉剂对四纹豆象(鞘翅目:豆象科)行为、死亡率和繁殖的影响(英文)

    Effects of Three Plant Powders on Behaviour , Mortality and Reproductive Fitness of Callosobruchus maculatus ( Fabricius ) ( Coleoptera : Bruchidae )

  7. 第四章重点探析五种典型植物纹样(葡萄纹、石榴纹、四瓣花纹、玫瑰花纹和巴旦木纹)在新疆维吾尔族纺织品上呈现的纹样造型序列、装饰偏好及特征。

    Analysis of five kinds of the fourth chapter focuses on a typical plant patterns ( Grape pattern , pomegranate pattern , the pattern of four petal , rose pattern , and Badam pattern ) presented in the Xinjiang Uygur textile patterns shape sequence , decorative preference characteristics .