
  1. Fuzzy聚类分析在植物群落分类中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Cluster Method to the Classification of Plant Community

  2. 应用模糊聚类分析对植物群落分类的研究

    The application of fuzzy aggregation analysis to the classification of plant community

  3. 泰山荒草坡上的植物群落分类

    A classification of the wild grass communities on Mount Tai

  4. 在认识上生物分类和植物群落分类是平行的。

    The parallelism in the classification of organisms and phytocoenoses is relised .

  5. 模糊数学在植物群落分类中的应用

    The application of fuzzy mathematics on plant community classification

  6. 塔里木河下游公益林植物群落分类及其群落特征研究

    Classification and Characteristic of Plant Communities of the Commonweal Forestry in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River

  7. 叶尔羌河下游公益林植物群落分类及其物种多样性特征

    Classification and Species Diversity of Plantation Communities of the Commonweal Forestry in Lower Reaches of Yarkant River

  8. 大兴安岭沟谷冻土湿地植物群落分类、物种多样性和物种分布梯度大围山山地雨林乔木层物种多度分布格局研究

    Classification , species diversity , and species distribution gradient of permafrost wetland plant communities in Great Xing'an Mountains valleys of Northeast China

  9. 植被的多因子生态系统分析途径&评介威塔克的《植物群落分类》

    An approach on the multifactors of ecological systematic analysis of vegetation & a review for the works of 《 classification of plant communities 》 by Whittaker R.H.

  10. 植物群落数量分类的研究一、关联分析和主分量分析

    Numerical classification of plant communities I.ASSOCIATION analysis and principal component analysis

  11. 中条山中段植物群落数量分类与排序研究

    Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Plant Communities in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains

  12. 岳麓山风景名胜区植物群落数量分类

    The Quantitative Classification of Plant Communities in Yuelu Mountain

  13. 松嫩平原南部植物群落的分类和排序

    Classification and ordination of plant communities in the south of song - Nen plain

  14. 天山森林生态系统树生地衣植物群落数量分类及其物种多样性的研究

    Numerical classification and species diversity of Corticolous Lichen communities in forest ecosystems of the Tianshan Mountains

  15. 大凌河朝阳段滨河植物群落数量分类与地理位置的关系

    The Relationship between the Phytocommunity 's Numerical Classification and the Geographic Position in Daling River Catchment in Chaoyang Section

  16. 文章运用生态园林景观分类方法对公园绿地植物群落进行分类,详细介绍典型的植物群落,并指出当前存在的问题。

    The paper employs the method of landscape classification of ecological gardening to classify the plant communities of in green land of parks .

  17. 山西芦芽山植物群落的数量分类

    Quantity Analysis of Plant Communities on Mountain Luya , Shanxi

  18. 黔中退化喀斯特森林植物群落的数量分类

    Number classification of degraded Karst forests in the central Guizhou

  19. 青海湖北岸植物群落的数量分类

    A quantitative classification of plant communities in the north shore of Qinghai Lake

  20. 海北高寒草甸植物群落的数量分类和排序

    The quantitative classification and ordination of Haibei Alpine Meadow

  21. 长白山高山冻原植物群落的数量分类和排序

    Numerical classification and ordination of plant communities in the alpine tundra of Mt. Changbai

  22. 四面山猴子湾、哑巴岩植物群落的数量分类和排序

    The numeral classification and ordination on plant community of monkey Valley and dumb cliff in Simian Mountain

  23. 综述了苔藓植物生态学在群落分类、分布与环境关系、生态位、繁殖生态学以及人为干扰对其影响等方面的研究进展。

    The advances of bryophyte ecology in community classification , relationship between bryophytes and environments , niche , reproduction ecology and the influences of human activities on bryophytes were reviewed .

  24. 本文用相似系数百分率对四面山平山猴子湾、哑巴岩植物群落进行初步的分类划分,并用主分量分析(PCA)方法对群落样地在平面上作了空间位序的定位。

    This paper , by using similarity coefficient percentage , gives a basic classification of the plant community of Pingshan Monkey Valley and . Dumb Cliff in Simian Mountain and , by using principal component analysis , decides the spacial location on the plane of the sample community .

  25. 土壤植物群落分布区衡阳盆地紫色土丘陵坡地植物群落的数量分类

    Numberical Classification of Plant Community on the Purple Soil Slope in Hengyang Basin