
  • 网络Pottery bowl;Mimbres
  1. 内德当时正在一家店铺前欣赏一只釉便陶碗。

    Ned was admiring a glazed earthenware bowl at a shop front .

  2. 谢谢收看本期“自制陶碗”教程,我们下期节目再见。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make A Pottery Bowl

  3. 纳季兰市场上出售的当地生产的篮子和陶碗。

    Locally made baskets and ceramic bowls for sale in Najran Basket Souq .

  4. 他们展出了一些上釉的陶碗。

    They displayed some bowls of glazed earthenware .

  5. 村民们从方圆数里的地方赶来,山药、玉米饼、野生无花果装满了陶碗。

    People were invited from miles around , and yams , corncakes and wild figs were set out in clay bowls .

  6. 老妇人只好坐在炉子后的小角落,吃着陶碗中的非常少量的食物。

    The old woman had to sit in the corner behind the stove and they gave her just a little food in a pottery bowl .

  7. 玛丽已给桌子披上一块白桌布,我在桌上放了蜡烛和一大陶碗的水。

    Marcella had covered the table with a white tablecloth , and on the table I had placed candles and a large pottery bowl of water .

  8. 第三章,通过古代设计观念在造物中的体现,分析影响古代器物生命力因素(以陶碗、青铜器为例)。

    Chapter 3 , though archaic views of design which reflected in ancient production , the author analyze the factors that affect the Product vitality of ancient implements ( the author take earthenware bowl and Bronzes as examples ) .

  9. 豪山公司专业生产各式嵌入式灶及台式灶、电陶炉、烘碗机、BBQ、吸油烟机、燃气热水器、燃气提灯、调整器、气阀总成等产品。

    Ho Sun is specialized in manufacturing western-style of built in stove , gas stove , electric stove , dish dryer , BBQ , Range Hood water heater , gas lantern , regulator , gas valve and so on .

  10. 一只手在外侧用手指背抵在泥碗底部与木质陶轮结合部,另一只手在里侧用力挤压,双手同步上移,塑造陶碗碗边的形状,使用海绵保持碗边的水平程度。

    Press on the outside of the pot where the clay meets the wooded wheel head using the side of your finger , at the same time , press the inside of the bowl with the fingers of your other hand . Squeeze and move your hands upwards with the wheel turning to create the sides of the bowl .