
  • 网络Black Coal Thin Ice
  1. 当中国导演刁亦男开始拍摄他的第三部作品——《白日焰火》(BlackCoal,ThinIce)时,他的目标是拍出一部讲述普通人故事的侦探悬疑片。

    When Chinese director Diao Yinan began shooting his third feature film , his goal was to make a detective story involving ordinary people .

  2. 中国电影《白日焰火》(BlackCoal,ThinIce)在柏林国际电影节(BerlinInternationalFilmFestival)获颁最佳影片奖,这是中国电影在寻求在国际建立声名过程中最新一项斩获。

    The Chinese film ' Black Coal , Thin Ice ' won best picture at the Berlin International Film Festival over the weekend , the latest win for China as it seeks global prominence in film .

  3. 《白日焰火》接下来还将参赛全球其他重大电影节,其中包括本周末的翠贝卡电影节(TribecaFilmFestival)、本月晚些时候的意大利远东电影节(FarEastFilmFestival)以及6月份的悉尼电影节(SydneyFilmFestival)。

    It is now hitting major festivals around the world , including the Tribeca Film Festival this weekend , the Far East Film Festival in Italy later this month , and the Sydney Film Festival in June .

  4. 《华尔街日报》:你说拍摄《白日焰火》的灵感来自霍桑(NathanielHawthorne)的一部讲述丈夫离家出走20年的短篇小说《威克菲尔德》(Wakefield)。

    You have said that Nathaniel Hawthorne 's short story ' Wakefield , ' about a husband who vanishes from his home for 20 years , inspired ' Black Coal , Thin Ice . '

  5. 凭藉《白日焰火》,刁亦男取得了迄今为止事业上的最大成功。

    With ' Black Coal , Thin Ice , ' Mr. Diao has found his greatest success yet .

  6. 未来几个月《白日焰火》将在香港、法国和德国公映,之后预计还将在其他一些市场公映。

    It will also go into general release in Hong Kong , France and Germany over the next few months , with other markets expected to follow .

  7. 柏林电影节的评审们还把最佳男演员奖颁给了在《白日焰火》中扮演侦探的廖凡。

    Berlin 's film festival jury also gave Liao Fan , who plays the detective in ' Black Coal , Thin Ice , ' with the award for best actor .

  8. 《白日焰火》及其主演均在柏林电影节上获奖,这激起观众的好奇心,所以我们受到很多关注,它已经成为一部事件电影。

    Both the film and the leading actor won in Berlin , which triggered audiences ' curiosity , so we got quite a lot of attention & it became an event film .

  9. 《白日焰火》是一部黑色电影,故事发生在中国北方,讲述一名警察对一起可怕的谋杀案开展调查,却爱上了案件中的一个关键人物。

    The result -- ' Black Coal , Thin Ice ' -- is a noirish story about a former police officer investigating a grisly murder in northern China and falling in love with a key figure in the case .

  10. 《白日焰火》是一部侦探悬疑片,故事发生在九十年代末的东北,以闪回的手法逐渐揭示情节,讲述一名侦探调查一个工厂小镇上发生的一起谋杀案。

    Black Coal , Thin Ice ' ( Bairi Yanhuo , or ' Daytime Fireworks , ' in Mandarin ) is a detective mystery , set in cold northern China during the late 1990s , that unfolds through flashbacks , telling the story of a detective investigating a trail of murders in a factory town .