
  • 网络Sergey;sergei;Sergej
  1. 2004年,谷歌(Google)上市时,拉里•佩奇和谢尔盖•布林开创了这个先河。

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin started it when Google ( GOOG ) went public in 2004 .

  2. 谷歌(Google)共同创始人谢尔盖o布林上台接受采访时,对谷歌的优势和劣势也没有讲太多。

    Google co-founder Sergey Brin didn 't add much to the conversation about Google 's strengths and weaknesses in his onstage interview .

  3. 创立谷歌(Google)的必须是拉里?佩奇(LarryPage)和谢尔盖?布林(SergeyBrin);

    You would have to be Larry Page and Sergey Brin to start Google ;

  4. 在工作上和泰勒密切配合的有谷歌首席执行官拉里o佩奇(《财富》杂志2014年年度商人),以及谷歌联合创始人、管理着GoogleX和其他一些专业项目的谢尔盖o布林。

    Teller works closely with CEO Larry Page , which Fortune named 2014 businessperson of the year , and Sergey Brin , the Google co-founder who oversees X and other special projects .

  5. 不过书上的TheCircle公司有三个联合创始人:汤姆、艾蒙、泰,让人很难不联想到谷歌的“三巨头”拉里、谢尔盖和董事长施密特。

    He responds , " no , No. " and yet the circle has three cofounders : Tom , Eamon , and ty ( hard not to think of Larry , Sergey and chairman Schmidt ) .

  6. 10年前,我旁边有个中国商人在卖纽扣,海参崴出租车司机谢尔盖(Sergei)表示。

    Ten years ago I stood next to a Chinese trader selling buttons , says Sergei , a taxi driver in Vladivostok .

  7. 研究还表明,如果企业所有者至少是四年制本科学历,如谷歌(Google)的谢尔盖•布林和拉里•佩奇,以及团购网站Groupon的安德鲁•梅森,那么企业的生存前景会更好。

    It also shows that survival prospects are higher if the owner has at least four years of college , like Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google ( GOOG ) , and Andrew Mason of Groupon ( grpn ) .

  8. ZU-23-2谢尔盖防空炮

    ZU-23-2 Sergey Anti-Aircraft Cannon

  9. 怎么谢尔盖还在到处跟着我们?

    But doesn 't Sergei get tired of following us around ?

  10. 而你,拉里和谢尔盖却没有。

    But you , Larry and Sergey didn 't miss that .

  11. 告诉谢尔盖你想先去买条新裙子

    Tell Sergei that you want to go buy a new dress

  12. 那你该把伏特加放到一边去,谢尔盖

    Then you have to put that Vodka away , Sergei .

  13. 问:“谢尔盖•布林开什么车?”

    Q : " What does Sergey Brin drive ? "

  14. 亨利•福特先生(福特汽车公司的创始人,美国汽车之父&译注),您老可以为拉里•佩奇和谢尔盖•布林让让位子了。

    Henry Ford , move over for Larry and Sergey .

  15. 谢尔盖,她是不是长得非常像伊莎贝拉?

    Sergei , doesn 't she look exactly like Isabella ?

  16. “你是如何发现这么大的熊的?”谢尔盖问道。

    " How do you find such huge bears ?" sergei asks .

  17. 谢尔盖:这食物里面无毒无害。

    Sergey : There is nothing poisonous or toxic in this food .

  18. 他们就是:谢尔盖-布林和拉里-佩奇(谷歌创始人)。

    Their names : Sergey Brin and Larry Page .

  19. 问:“谢尔盖•布林结婚了吗?”

    Q : " is Sergey Brin married ? "

  20. 不说别的就冲谷歌这个名字你们就该感谢拉里和谢尔盖

    You guys should be grateful that Larry and Sergey for the name alone

  21. 谢尔盖是空降兵退伍老兵,他参加了在莫斯科市高尔基公园举行的活动。

    Sergei is a former airborne solider at the city 's Gorky Park .

  22. 问:“谢尔盖•布林是蝙蝠侠吗?”

    Q : " Sergey Brin is Batman . "

  23. 这或许意味着拉里和谢尔盖的理想并不疯狂

    then maybe the vision that Larry and Sergey had wasn 't so crazy

  24. 一天,一个俄罗斯卡车司机谢尔盖在附近抛锚,贡巴将他带回牧场。

    One day a Russian truck driver , sergei , gets stuck with his truck nearby .

  25. 这是我的朋友谢尔盖.

    This is my friend Sergei .

  26. 谢尔盖浑身缠满了绷带。

    Sergei is covered in bandages .

  27. 我们喝了谢尔盖的口感极佳的伏特加酒,这瓶酒是他为了这样一个场合特间保存的。

    We drank sergei 's special vodla , which he had kept for just such an occasion .

  28. 撑杆跳运动员拉维莱涅在颁奖仪式上被嘘,之后蒂亚戈•布拉兹和谢尔盖•布卡安慰了他

    Pole-vaulter Renaud Lavillenie consoled by Thiago Braz and Sergei Bubka after he was booed at medal ceremony

  29. 最后只剩下谢尔盖、我和狗&他妻子已经在长沙发上睡着了。

    Serge and I are left with the dogs – his wife has fallen asleep on the couch .

  30. 漫画家谢尔盖•卡列尼克称创作耗时两周,没有人为此出钱。

    The strip 's writer Sergei Kalenik said it took two weeks to create and was not a paid project .