
  1. 这份电子文件包含一个二维码,与手机绑定,文件特意避开了“疫苗护照”这个称呼,因为一些成员国感觉这是在歧视那些还未能接种疫苗的人。

    The digital document , containing a QR code and carried on a mobile phone , has deliberately not been called a " vaccine passport " because some member states felt that would discriminate against those who had not yet been offered a shot .

  2. 如果想接种疫苗,可以使用护照、国际旅行证件或身份证件在网上进行预约。

    For those who want to get COVID-19 vaccinations , they can use their passports , international travel documents , or identity certificates to make reservations online .