
cuò wù xiǎn shì
  • Error display;wrong indication
  1. 提示:如果推送应用程序时看到一个错误显示Bluemixcouldnotcreatearouteforyourapplication,表明您选择的名称已被用。

    Tip : If you see an error when pushing your application that says " Bluemix could not create a route for your application ," the name you have chosen is already in use .

  2. 看到这个页面之后,作者认为这个错误显示信息是一个营销的花招。

    It turns out the error message is a marketing stunt .

  3. 同步化状态错误显示了映射的错误

    Synchronization status errors show mapping errors

  4. 验证错误显示在“错误列表”窗口中,以便您可以查看和解决这些错误。

    Validation errors appear in the error list window so you can review and resolve them .

  5. 警告作为错误显示,因为警告可以通过将拓扑图导入到另一个拓扑图来得到解决,这个问题可以通过后一个拓扑图来来得到解决。

    Warnings are shown as errors because the warnings can be fulfilled or resolved by importing the topology into another topology , which the latter topology can addresses .

  6. 在导入过程中遇到不支持的项(如模块和某些控件)时,这些项将作为生成错误显示在“任务列表”窗口中。

    When the import process encounters items that are not supported , such as modules and some controls , they are displayed in the task list window as build errors .

  7. 这个错误由显示Productline的列表分区和交叉表之间的“主-细节”关系(master-detailrelationship)导致。

    The error is caused by the master-detail relationship between the list section showing Product line and the crosstab .

  8. 在本例中,错误消息显示math的第二和第三个字母颠倒了。

    In this case , the error shows that the second and third letters of " math " are transposed .

  9. 以下示例使用exit错误代码显示了出现OS错误期间的CLPPlus行为。

    The following example shows the CLPPlus behavior during an OS error with exit error code .

  10. 原则上是静态的,在需要的时候可以是动态的:mobl语言是静态类型的语言,支持像错误突出显示、引用解析和代码自动完成等IDE特性。

    Static in principle , dynamic when required : the mobl language is statically typed , enabling IDE features such as error highlighting , reference resolving and code completion .

  11. 这个接口有一些方法来报告错误和显示信息消息。

    The interface has methods to report errors and display information messages .

  12. 在下列状况下可能发生错误的显示或操作。

    An erroneous display or operation may occur in the following cases .

  13. 语句错误率显示执行后会产生异常的语句的比例。

    Statement failure rate shows the rate of statement executions resulting in an exception .

  14. 发布中的所有错误将显示在报表设计器的“任务列表”窗口中。

    Any errors from publishing appear in the task list window in report designer .

  15. 写作错误能显示学习者在学习外语时存在的问题和困难。

    Writing errors show the problems and difficulties the learners have in language learning .

  16. 出现的某些错误仅显示在应用程序事件日志中。

    Some errors that occur will only show up in the application event log .

  17. 这个插件提供了语法高亮显示、内嵌的错误突出显示、引用解析以及代码自动完成。

    The plug-in offers syntax highlighting , inline error-highlighting , reference resolving and code completion .

  18. 控件还会将自己的错误信息显示在收到错误信息的控件附近。

    Controls can display their own error messages near the control that receives an error .

  19. 单击树状视图中的组件,所有与该组件有关的错误将显示出来。

    Click a component in the tree view . All errors for that component are displayed below .

  20. 使用激活的位的信息时发生错误。显示以下详细信息:{0}

    An error was encountered while working with the enabling bits information . The following details are available : { 0 }

  21. 另外,该回春术效果在战斗记录中的说明文字将不再错误地显示它需要生命之树形态。

    In addition , the combat log tooltip for this Rejuvenation effect no longer spuriously claims it requires Tree of Life Form .

  22. 如果检索失败,则将一个错误消息显示给用户,用户可通过重新加载页面来再次尝试。

    If the retrieval was unsuccessful , an error message is displayed to the user who can try again by reloading the page .

  23. 如果使用一个不支持的数据类型创建存储库或业务项,则错误将显示在错误视图中。

    If you create a repository or a business item using one of the unsupported data types , an error will appear in the error view .

  24. 如果不满足这些最低要求,则只能以错误方式显示“应急服务的技术说明”或根本无法显示此文档。

    If these minimum requirements are not met , the " technical note for emergency services " can be displayed only with errors or may not be displayed at all .

  25. 如果检测到错误,就会显示SQLErrors视图,由它来显示关于错误的信息。

    If an error is detected , the SQL Errors view is displayed with information about the error .

  26. 如果源代码中有任何错误,则显示在右下角的Tasks视图中显示出来。

    If any errors are found in the source , they are displayed in the Tasks view at the bottom right .

  27. 在Console或代码的任何部分内生成的错误都会显示于Console内。

    Errors produced in the Console or by any other part of the code are also shown in the Console .

  28. 如果存在错误,就会显示一个指明故障的消息框,详细错误列于OutputWindow的IBMMessage窗格中。

    If there are any errors , a message box indicating failure is displayed , and detailed errors are listed in the IBM Message pane of the Output Window .

  29. 接着,将根据AjaxPOST的结果清除现有的错误消息,显示或不显示错误消息。

    Next , it clears any existing error message and , based on the result of the Ajax post , displays or does not display an error message .

  30. stderr是标准错误流,显示命令中的错误输出。

    Stderr is the standard error stream , which displays error output from commands .