
nèi zhènɡ dà chén
  • home secretary;secretary of state for the home department
  1. 他辞去了内政大臣的职务,回到后座议员席。

    He resigned as Home Secretary and returned to the back benches .

  2. 内政大臣对这项研究反应不是很热烈。

    The study received a lukewarm response from the Home Secretary .

  3. 内政大臣力图打破贫困和犯罪之间的恶性循环。

    The Home Secretary aims to break the vicious circle between disadvantage and crime

  4. 但去年6月,当英国内政大臣特里萨梅伊(TheresaMay)决定把非欧盟工作签证年度配额暂时限制在2.41万个时,这种紧张关系达到了新的高度。

    But it reached new heights in June last year when home secretary Theresa May introduced an interim annual cap of 24,100 non-EU work visas .

  5. 英国内政大臣约翰里德(johnreid)周二公布计划,对雇用罗马尼亚和保加利亚工人实施限制。

    Plans to restrict employment for workers from Romania and Bulgaria were unveiled by John Reid , the UK Home Secretary on Tuesday .

  6. 去年12月,曾有人在上议院(houseoflords)向英国内政大臣内维尔-琼斯女士(ladyneville-jones)提出了这个问题。

    This question was put to lady Neville-Jones , the home office minister , in the house of Lords in December .

  7. 去年夏天,英国内政大臣特里萨•梅(TheresaMay)精简了手续,允许中国游客使用同一个网站申请英国和申根签证。

    Last summer Theresa May , home secretary , streamlined the system by allowing Chinese visitors to use the same website to apply for a British and a Schengen visa .

  8. 美联社援引内政大臣TheresaMay的话报道,要根除现代奴隶的根源首先要做的就是承认并面对它的存在。

    The first step to eradicating the scourge of modern slavery is acknowledging and confronting its existence , Home Secretary Theresa May was quoted by The Associated Press as saying .

  9. 英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)对内政大臣特里萨•梅(TheresaMay)提出的外国留学生在毕业后必须离开英国的议案表示反对。此前已有不少人警告称,梅的这一提议将损害英国的大学和企业。

    Theresa May 's plan to send home international students after they graduate has been quashed by chancellor George Osborne , amid warnings that the move would damage British universities and business .

  10. 为了简化程序,英国内政大臣特雷莎梅(TheresaMay)去年夏天宣布,中国游客将可使用同一网站申请英国签证和申根签证。

    In an effort to streamline the process , Theresa May , home secretary , announced last summer that Chinese tourists would be permitted to use the same website to apply for both a British and a Schengen visa .

  11. 本周一,在保守党领导权的角逐中,内政大臣特丽莎·梅(TheresaMay)获得了突如其来的胜利,将首相卡梅伦置于了尴尬境地——他需要在大约48小时的时间里搬离唐宁街的官邸。

    The sudden victory of Theresa May , Britain 's home secretary , in the Conservative Party 's leadership contest on Monday put Prime Minister David Cameron in the unenviable position of having to vacate his residence in about 48 hours .

  12. 预计这些修改将是英国向欧盟(EU)以外地区公民发放签证、授予居留权和公民身份制度全面改革的一部分。英国内政大臣将于周二下午宣布这项改革计划。

    The changes are expected to be part of a root and branch overhaul of the British system for awarding visas , settlement and citizenship to people from outside the European Union , which will be announced by the home secretary on Tuesday afternoon .

  13. 内政大臣安伯.拉德(AmberRudd)在保守党会议上表示,政府正在考虑两级学生签证制度,确保我们世界领先的院校能够吸引最聪明和最优秀的学生……同时对质量较低的课程的学生实施较严的规则。

    Amber Rudd , the home secretary , told the Conservative party conference that the government was considering a two-tier student visa system , making sure our world-leading institutions can attract the brightest and the best   .   .   .   while looking at tougher rules for students on lower-quality courses .

  14. 内政大臣获得了惩戒这家报社的禁令。

    The home secretary has obtained an injunction against the newspaper .

  15. 其实是内政大臣欠我个人�

    Well , Home Secretary , actually . Owes me a favour .

  16. 他担任内政大臣一职,在事业上已登峰造极了。

    He rounded off his career by becoming home secretary .

  17. 抑制内政大臣权力的提案。

    Proposals to curb the powers of the home secretary .

  18. 内政大臣一直在为新的犯罪法案寻求支持。

    The home secretary has been canvassing support for his new crime bill .

  19. 内政大臣已经排除了立即增加税收以填补此缺口的可能性。

    The home secretary has ruled out immediate tax increases to plug the gap .

  20. 但伦敦警察署直接与内政大臣管辖。

    London 's metropolitan police force is directly under the control of home secretary .

  21. 中央政府的司法工作主要由大法官、内政大臣和检察总长负责。

    Central responsibility lies with the Lord Chancellor the Home Secretary and the Attorney General .

  22. 她曾长期担任英国内政大臣

    She has been a long-serving home secretary

  23. 由内政大臣指派巡视检查监狱条件的一组人。

    Group of people appointed by the home secretary to visit and inspect the condition in prison .

  24. (英国)被内政大臣指定的处理冶安案例的领薪冶安官员。

    ( British ) paid magistrate ( appointed by the Home Secretary ) dealing with police cases .

  25. 今天,内政大臣对英国议会宣布了经过广泛咨询后的结果。

    Today the Home Secretary has announced to the UK Parliament the results of this extensive consultation process .

  26. 她在首次获选为国会议员的13年后,于2010年就任内政大臣。

    She has held the post since 2010 , 13 years after she was first elected to Parliament .

  27. 她从2010年开始任职,是50多年来担任内政大臣时间最久的政治家。

    She has held the position since 2010 - longer than any other politician in more than 50 years .

  28. 在英国政府联合恐怖主义分析中心做出决定后,英国内政大臣普里蒂·帕特尔于周二宣布了这一消息。

    UK Home Secretary Priti Patel made the announcement on Tuesday after the government 's Joint Terrorism Analysis Center decision .

  29. 英国内政大臣普丽蒂·帕特尔呼吁英国民众在当前的全国封锁期间留在家中。

    British Home Secretary Priti Patel is calling on people in Britain to stay at home during the current national lockdown .

  30. 类似骚乱对英国移民部长达米安-格林构成压力,还有批评人士呼吁英国内政大臣特里萨•梅伊参与协调。

    The chaos has piled pressure on immigration minister Damian Green and critics are calling on Home Secretary Theresa May to intervene .