
  • 网络Internal Rate of Return;IRR
  1. 公司金融学的学生们在学校里学到,用内部回报率(IRR)来评判项目是有风险的。

    Students of corporate finance are taught the dangers of judging projects by their internal rate of return .

  2. 仪表盘可以利用各种模型,包括净现值(NPV)、附加经济值(EVA)和内部回报率(IRR)来执行详细的ROI、偿还,或收支平衡分析。

    The dashboard can perform a detailed ROI , payback or breakeven analyses using various models including Net Present Value ( NPV ), Economic Value Added ( EVA ) and Internal Rate of Return ( IRR ) .

  3. 可以的内部回报率估计为这个项目呢?

    Can the IRR be estimated for this project ?

  4. 有什麽可能的一些问题,在估计内部回报率为这个项目呢?

    What might be some of the problems in estimating the IRR for this project ?

  5. 平均总体内部回报率

    Overall average internal rate of return

  6. 通常使用的内部回报率有着许多方法与解释方面的问题。

    The IRRs typically used are prone to a wide variety of methodological and interpretive problems .

  7. 一个原因在于,它使你能够看明白预期内部回报率是如何计算的。

    One reason is to enable you to look through calculations of projected internal rates of return .

  8. 那么,可能有很多办法来计算内部回报率,其中一些可能是数学家善意嘲讽的虚数。

    Then there may be many solutions to the calculation of an internal rate of return . Some may be what mathematicians , with nice irony , call imaginary numbers .

  9. 不同投资的回报率相去甚远,而总体投资的内部回报率并不等于单个项目内部回报率的平均值。

    Rates of return on different investments vary widely , and the internal rate of return on an overall investment is not the average internal rate of return of the underlying projects .

  10. 截至3月31日,该基金仍盈利,内部回报率为8.41%(假若将出售福布斯全部记入,这一数字将显著提升)。

    As of March 31 , the fund was profitable with an 8.41 internal rate of return ( a figure that would rise considerably were it to be made whole on Forbes ) .

  11. 尽管存在无法弥补的缺陷,但内部回报率仍然盛行的原因在于,它们不要求你明确说明资金成本或另类回报率。

    The reason internal rate of return calculations remain popular , despite their overwhelming disadvantages , is that they do not require you to specify the cost of capital or alternative rate of return .

  12. 从1980年到去年年底,所有风险资本基金的终身平均内部回报率为5.5%,而全部收购型公司的内部回报率为14.4%。

    The average internal rate of return over the life of all venture capital funds since 1980 until the end of last year was 5.5 per cent , against 14.4 per cent for all buyout firms .

  13. 凯雷表示,其于1999年成立的首只亚洲收购基金,已实现了26%的总体内部回报率,而相比之下,业内的平均回报率水平为15%。

    Its first Asia buy-out fund , which closed in 1999 , has delivered a gross internal rate of return of 26 per cent against a comparable industry average of 15 per cent , according to Carlyle .

  14. 而且,结论令人信服&特别是考虑到这些公司通常在“内部回报率”达到或接近峰值时(有时峰值的出现可能远早于设想)募资,它认为采用好年份的四分位数是不够的。

    And it is fairly compelling – particularly its argument that using vintage year quartiles is inadequate , considering that firms often fundraise at or near " peak IRR " ( which sometimes comes much earlier than you might imagine ) .

  15. 例如,计算常常对有关资本下跌的假设很敏感,而且倾向于不加以合计:两个基金的合计回报率可能与两个基金各自内部回报率的均值有很大出入。

    For instance , these calculations are frequently sensitive to assumptions about the draw-downs of capital and do not lend themselves readily to being aggregated : the return of two funds taken together may be very different to the average of the individual IRRs .

  16. 一家私人股本集团发行了第五个基金,并在其配售备忘录中声称,集团的第四个基金(迄今只实现了一项投资)的内部回报率达50%以上。

    A private equity group raises a fifth fund , claiming in its placement memorandum that its fourth fund ( from which only one investment has been realised ) has an internal rate of return ( IRR ) of more than 50 per cent .