
háng qíng
  • price;market quotations;quotations on the market;conjuncture
行情 [háng qíng]
  • [quotations on the market; prices] 市价。亦指金融市场上利率或汇水的一般情况

行情[háng qíng]
  1. 行情公告牌信息对交易者行为的影响&基于自回归交易持续期模型(ACD)的分析

    The Effect of Announced Information about Market Quotations on the Behavior of Dealers

  2. 2003年行情特征

    Characters of market quotations in 2003

  3. 国际商用机器公司的股票行情被视为华尔街股市的风向标。

    IBM is considered the bellwether stock on Wall Street .

  4. 股市开盘时行情看涨。

    The market opened in a bullish mood .

  5. 鱼的价格随着市场行情而变化。

    The prices of fish vary according to market conditions .

  6. 股票市场行情急转直下。

    The stock market turned down sharply .

  7. 行情看涨。

    Market will be strong .

  8. 楼盘行情看涨。

    The real estate market is strong ( or bullish ) .

  9. 他极其清晰地陈述了市场行情。

    He stated the market situation with astonishing clarity .

  10. 黄金行情稳定。

    The gold market is steady .

  11. 行情见涨。

    A rising market is expected .

  12. 这两天香港股票行情看跌。

    Stock market quotations in Hong Kong are expected to fall in the next few days .

  13. 股市行情劲升。

    Stock prices are soaring .

  14. 出版发行是商业行为,而且出版社通晓市场行情。

    publishing is a commercial business and the publisher knows the market .

  15. 市场行情在不断变化。

    The market is in a constant state of flux .

  16. 上海一位数字交易平台人士对《中国日报》表示,监管部门上周约见了几个比特币交易平台的负责人,讨论了比特币行情波动时托管平台的运行方式。

    Authorities visited executives of a number of bitcoin trading platforms last week , and have inquired how the platform works when value of the virtual currency plunges and surges , a person at a Shanghai-based digital trading platform told China Daily .

  17. Web中的行情数据获取与预测研究

    Research on market data extraction and forecast on Web

  18. 他最大的成就,正是他当初在高盛所抵制的事情:将这个大行情板(BigBoard,纽交所的代称)改造成了一家上市公司。

    His biggest achievement was to do what he 'd initially resisted at Goldman and transform the Big Board into a public company .

  19. 提出了一种预测股市行情的新指标&信源熵,结合小波分析和MATLAB工具来分析预测股票的未来走势。

    A novel index called message entropy is proposed to predict stock . Combine wavelets analysis and Matlab tools , message entropy is used to predict stock .

  20. 上证综指在10个月内翻了一番,而深证综指(ShenzhenComposite)仅今年就上涨逾50%。随着这两大行情的出现,有关中国市场存在泡沫的说法也甚嚣尘上。

    Talk of a bubble in China 's market looms large , as the Shanghai Composite has doubled in 10 months and the Shenzhen Composite is up more than 50 per cent this year alone .

  21. 周四的行情意味著华尔街对计划在周五上午公布的第四季度GDP数据非常不乐观。

    Thursday 's trading action indicated that the Street expected the advance fourth quarter GDP report , which is scheduled to release Friday morning , is going to be really bad .

  22. 本文通过构建针对股票行情分析这一主题的数据集市,详细介绍了如何利用OracleExpress工具组开发O-LAP应用,并着重研究了OLAP多维数据模型的设计和建立。

    This paper introduces in detail how to develop OLAP applications using the tools of Oracle Express , focusing on the design and implementation of the MDDB of OLAP .

  23. 在这一年中,股市行情不断上涨,IPO活跃,并购交易回升至金融危机以来的最高水平。

    All year , the stock markets have advanced , initial public offerings have boomed , and mergers and acquisitions have roared back to their highest levels since the financial crisis .

  24. 香港的IPO交易受到散户情绪的推动,投资者希望发行公司及其顾问能够通过定价,令股票在上市首日走出强劲行情,以便他们脱手所持股份。

    Hong Kong IPOs are driven by retail sentiment , and investors look to issuers and their advisers to price the shares to achieve strong debuts so they can flip their holdings .

  25. Roo还提供了一个选项,可以在您的应用程序中嵌入Twitter消息、文档、股票行情,地图,照片和视频流。

    Roo also provides you an option to embed Twitter messages , documents , stock tickers , maps , photos , and video streams in your application .

  26. 提出了基于Internet的空间数据和非空间数据分布存储的空间数据仓库模型,并将其与数据挖掘技术相结合,开发了基于Internet的农产品市场行情时空演变可视化信息系统。

    This paper proposes a model of spatial data warehousing based on Internet and distributive storage of spatial data and non-spatial data . The model combined with data mining technology , a visual information system of time-space evolution of the agriculture products market is developed .

  27. 活跃的市场情绪也促使企业考虑通过新股发行来利用当前行情。银行则争相将计划已久的首次公开招股(IPO)提前,以满足投资者的兴趣。

    The buoyant mood is also encouraging companies to consider tapping the market themselves with new share offerings , while banks are scrambling to bring forward long-planned initial public offerings to meet investor interest .

  28. 在苏富比,传统物件的拍卖行情仍然不错,藏家张永珍(AliceCheng)雅藏的一只17世纪宝石红小茶碗,依然拍出了960万美元的高价。

    At Sotheby 's , the traditional fields did well , with a tiny 17th-century ruby-red tea bowl , sold by the collector Alice Cheng , making a tidy US $ 9.6m .

  29. 因为Chromebook的市场行情一直很差,谷歌对此一筹莫展。

    After all , the Google-powered machines had struggled to gain traction with consumers .

  30. 近几年来,随着市场行情的变化和自身条件的逐渐成熟,GL电器开始探索适合自身发展的多元化之路。

    In recent years , along with the market changes and their own conditions of mature gradually , GL electrical began to explore the diversity of their suitable way .