
xínɡ zhènɡ jiū fēn
  • administrative dispute
  1. 论和谐社会与我国行政纠纷解决制度的完善

    The perfection of the settlement system of administrative dispute of our country Deng

  2. 第五章:我国行政纠纷解决机制的重构。

    Chapter 5 : Reconstruction of the administrative dispute settlement mechanism in China .

  3. 放眼国际,相当多的国家和地区已经设立了相关的立法和机构来保障ADR的运行,并且实践证明,ADR在解决行政纠纷上也发挥了重大的作用。

    In the world , a considerable number of countries and regions have set up the relevant legislation and institutions for the operation of ADR . And it has been proved that ADR is playing a great role in resolving administrative disputes .

  4. 其性质既不同于民事纠纷,也不同于行政纠纷。

    Its nature is different from civil disputes and administrative disputes .

  5. 它分为专利行政纠纷和专利民事纠纷。

    It is divided into administerial patent litigation and civil patent litigation .

  6. 冰淇淋:风味的区别行政纠纷与民事纠纷、经济纠纷、刑事案件有着联系和区别。

    Ice Cream : Difference of the Flavor Administrative dispute is social dispute .

  7. 而教育行政纠纷的处理是否得当,将极大的影响我国教育事业的发展。

    Whether education administrative disputes can be solved properly would influence educational cause greatly .

  8. 服务型政府背景下选择性行政纠纷解决机制研究

    Study on the Alternative Administrative Dispute Resolution System Based on the Background of Service

  9. 解决问题的关键是实现行政纠纷的实质性解决。

    The key to solve the problem is to achieve resolving administrative disputes substantially .

  10. 民事(经济)行政纠纷案件法律监督问题初探

    An investigation the of legal supervision of the cases of civil ( economic ) administrative disputes

  11. 行政纠纷解决机制研究

    Administrative Dispute Settlement Mechanism Study

  12. 文章主要从三个部分来论述民事纠纷与行政纠纷交叉问题的解决机制。

    This thesis aims to discuss the solving mechanism of the civil-administrative problem from three main sections .

  13. 体育纠纷区别于民事纠纷和行政纠纷,具有其特殊性。

    Being different from the civil and the administrative dispute , the PE dispute has its own nature .

  14. 但是,纠纷解决机制的不完善使得行政纠纷的解决很难兼顾效率与公平。

    However , the shortcomings of dispute settlement mechanism make it difficult to solve administrative dispute effectively and fairly .

  15. 审视高校纠纷,主要是合同纠纷和行政纠纷。

    To review the university disputes , the styles are mainly the combination of the contract and administrative disputes .

  16. 原则上,只要自愿且不违法,行政纠纷既可和解,也可调解。

    Administrative disputes can be resolved by both reconciliation and mediation , as long as the solution is agreed and lawful .

  17. 第三部分先说明当前我国在解决教育行政纠纷方面的现状,然后指出其缺陷与不足。

    The third part : firstly it illustrates the current situation of resolving education administrative disputes , then points out their defects and deficiencies .

  18. 该机制的建立有利于和谐社会的建构,以及实现行政纠纷解决机制的多元化。

    The establishing of the mechanism is favorable for the construction of harmonious society and as well as the realization administration dispute solves the mechanism multiplication .

  19. 为此,地方法院积极实践摸索出一套诉讼协调机制,为行政纠纷的化解做出了巨大的贡献。

    Taking these into consideration , the local court worked out a set of action coordination mechanism by practicing actively , making tremendous contributions to administrative dispute settlement .

  20. 对英国、美国、法国等国家的行政纠纷解决机制进行了分析,列举各国纠纷解决制度的种类,简要阐述其发展过程和特点,最后分析带给我国的启示。

    This part analyses the resolution mechanisms , types development and the characteristics of the administrative disputes of the United Kingdom , United States , France and so on .

  21. 根据纠纷性质的不同,学校与学生纠纷主要分为行政纠纷、民事纠纷、学术纠纷三大类型。

    As to the nature of disputes , disputes between the school and student can be divided into such three general types as administrative , civil and academic ones .

  22. 当受挫的人们开始寻求救济时,我们的救济体系却表现出对这种新型行政纠纷的无能为力进而陷入了救济的困局。

    When frustrated people began to seek relief , we have demonstrated this new type of administrative disputes on the " powerless " and thus fell into relief the difficulty .

  23. 那些受到犯罪行为,民事纠纷或者行政纠纷发生过程中的影响而在形状、位置等方面发生变化的物品,就储存了有关案件实际情况的信息,从而可以成为证据。

    And the material influenced by the above-mentioned behaviors will change its shape , position etc * It will become to be the material evidence for storing the relative case information .

  24. 林权纠纷是双方或多方当事人围绕森林、林木的所有权和使用权的归属问题而发生的争议,兼具行政纠纷和民事纠纷的双重性质。

    Forestland ownership dispute occurs when both or multiple parties have disagreement on the ownership and using rights of the forest and wood , and it has dual-characteristic of administrative and civil dispute .

  25. 但随着社会政治、文化与市场经济的发展,行政纠纷不仅在数量上迅速膨胀,且呈现出类型多样化与复杂化的趋势。

    But with the development of the social politics , culture and the market economy , not only the number of administrative disputes increases , they have showed diversified types and the complication tendency .

  26. 税收流失问题日益严重,纳税人不遵从行为屡禁不止,税收行政纠纷不断增多,困扰着税务机关的日常工作,极大地阻碍了税收效率的提升。

    The growing problems of tax revenue loss , repeated taxpayers ' unconformable acts , and increasing tax administrative disputes , bother the tax authorities ' daily work , and greatly hinder the tax efficiency improvement .

  27. 因此,界分民事与行政纠纷关联案件的类型,构建出不同类型案件的处理模式,已成为一个迫切需要解决的课题,同时也具有极大的实践价值。

    Therefore , civil and administrative disputes boundary points associated the type of case , construct different types of case handling mode , has become an urgent need to address the issue , it has great practical value .

  28. 随着能动司法理念的兴起,为了满足社会司法需要,更好地解决行政纠纷,扭转行政审判的尴尬处境,司法建议便风行于行政诉讼之中。

    With the rise of the concept of active judicial order to meet the social justice needs to resolve administrative disputes , reversing an embarrassing situation of the administrative trial , the judicial recommendations popular among the administrative proceedings .

  29. 建立科学合理的行政纠纷解决机制,能够在促进纠纷更好地解决,维护相对人合法权益的同时,推进行政机关依法行政,加快社会主义和谐社会的建设。

    Established scientific and reasonable administrative dispute resolution mechanisms can better address the promotion of disputes , safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the relatives , promote administration according to law and accelerate the building of a harmonious socialist society .

  30. 对制度的设计者来说,建立完备的行政纠纷解决方式的体系,是保障行政相对人的合法权益,促进行政机关依法行政的必然要求。

    From the view of system designers , it is essential to establish the self constrained system of administrative dissension resolve , which can protect rights and interests of private party in the administrative process , put up administrative agencies into administrating according to law .