
  • 网络Confidential Information;classified material;restricted data
  1. 保密资料,将仍属于提供方的财产。

    CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION shall remain the property of Disclosing Party .

  2. 很抱歉。这是保密资料。

    I 'm afraid such information is confidential .

  3. 按保密资料处理的资料,未经提供资料的利害关系方同意,不得泄露。

    The confidential information shall not be disclosed without the permission of the interested party submitting it .

  4. 乙方不得任意处置所有存在形式的保密资料和资讯。

    1 recipient shall not dispose the confidential material and information in all forms of existence at its unilateral discretion .

  5. 合资公司与其员工之间的每份劳动合同中应包含保密资料和商业秘密保护的有关规定。

    Relevant provisions on the protection of Confidential Information and Trade Secrets shall be included in each of the EJV 's labour contracts with its employees .

  6. 而我们的职员及代理亦只会在必须及明白此乃商业保密资料之情况下,阅取你的个人资料。

    Access by our employees and agents to your personal information is only on a need-to-know basis on the understanding that this is confidential business information .

  7. 在甲方要求下,乙方必须以有形的方式将处于甲方管理下所有保密资料退还给甲方。

    At the request of Party a , Party B shall return all the confidential data under Party a 's supervision to Party A in a physical form .

  8. 地质资料清理工作中有许多问题需要探讨,如内部资料的划定、统一划定相同资料、保密资料如何保管利用等问题。

    But in sorting geological data there are many problems which need to resolve . , for example , how to divide restricted data , how to manage classified data etc.

  9. 随之而来的是一些焦虑的亲属请求你透漏某病患的信息,而这是你不可向他人诉及的保密资料。

    And then there is the anxious relative who pleads with you for information about a patient to whom you have not been able to speak about sharing confidential material .

  10. 本文的不足之处:1.由于财务数据属于企业内部的保密资料,本文所引用的数据及内容具有一定的局限性,不能全面反映所提到的问题。

    As the information belonging to the enterprise internal financial data , data and content referenced herein has certain limitations , it can not fully reflect the problems mentioned . 2 .

  11. 甲乙双方中的任何一方有权保存必要的保密资料,以便在履行其在合作项目工作中所承担的法律、规章与义务时使用该等保密资料。

    Any of the parties has the right to preserve confidential information on an as needed basis , in the purpose of performance of obligation required by law or as provided hereof .

  12. 这电邮信息只供收信人阅读,并包含可能是保密的资料。

    This email message is intended only for the addressee and contains information which may be confidential .

  13. 在任何一标的目的接受方披露前已为该方知悉的非保密性资料;

    Non-confidential information that has come to the attention of the receiving party before the disclosure of the other party ;

  14. 文章最后就申请人资格、保密性资料的公开、反规避措施和调查机构的设置问题提出自己的看法。

    The article puts forth the author 's points of view on the qualification of applicant , release of confidential data , anti-evasion measures and the establishment of investigation organ .

  15. 希拉里·克林顿:“美国对任何原本应该保密的资料的泄露表示深切的歉意,包括同僚之间的私下讨论和外交官的个人看法。我希望表明一点,我们的官方外交政策并不是由这些信息决定的,而是由华盛顿制定的。”

    HILLARY CLINTON : " The United States deeply regrets the of any information that was intended to be confidential including private discussions between counterparts or our diplomats ' personal assessments and observations . I want to make clear that our official foreign policy is not set through these messages but here in Washington . "

  16. 卖方没有义务提供保密或专有资料;

    Seller shall have no obligation to provide confidential or proprietary information .

  17. 我应当保护隐私和保密的所有资料交给了我。

    I shall protect the privacy and confidentiality of all information entrusted to me .

  18. 汇集了众多国外较先进的传真保密设备的资料,并对现代传真保密通信的特点进行了归纳总结。

    This arricle introduces several kinds of sophisticated device in the field of facsimile security at present , and summarizes the common ground of these devices .

  19. 请注明应征职位及证明-所有申请将被严格保密,其资料只用于招聘用途。

    Please quote the position and reference applied for in the subject-All applications are treated with strictest confidence and information is used for recruitment purposes only !

  20. 适用于开放式办公场所、大中型更衣间、安全单位保管员工随身物品、保密机关保管资料、车站行李寄存处等人员比较固定或不便于携带存放物品证明的场所和机关单位。

    It applies to the place , where the staff are fixed or the article is needed deposit when people comes in the working place , such as the medium & large locker-room , secret organizations etc.

  21. 对符合法定程序的资料查询加大查询力度的同时,做好保密工作,防止资料外泄。

    Increase the intensity of the query query in accordance with legal procedures , to ensure security , prevent information leakage .

  22. 电控单元的软硬件开发技术作为电控系统开发的关键技术,被严格保密,公开的资料很少。

    The exploitation technology of electrical control unit is key technology electrical control system , it is secrecy , the open datum is very rarely .

  23. 软件含有任何保密或商业秘密资料的范围内的,软件及其所含的资料即按保密关系许可给用户。

    To the extent that the Software contains any confidential or trade secret information , the Software and the information it contains are licensed to Customer pursuant to a confidential relationship .

  24. 来信要求本公司提供有关软件保密系统的技术资料,但鉴于同行向来视该等资料为机密文件,本公司亦不便透露,恳请见谅。

    We are always pleased to hear from a valued customer . I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for technical information regarding our software security systems .

  25. 商务部认为保密申请有正当理由的,应当对利害关系方提供的资料按保密资料处理,同时要求利害关系方提供一份非保密的该资料概要。

    MOFCOM shall treat the information submitted by the interested party as confidential if they consider that the request for confidentiality is justifiable , and shall require the interested party to provide non-confidential summaries thereof .