
  • 网络Insurance coverage;Insurance Guarantee;Insurance Protection;insurance assuring
  1. 保险保障船舶抵押权人利益浅析

    Elementary analysis upon the insurance protection of mortgagee 's interest

  2. 中国保险保障基金公司化管理模式探析

    Study on Corporate Governance Mode of China Insurance protection Fund

  3. 他们被指控未能提供职业保险保障。

    They were charged with failing to have professional indemnity cover

  4. 西部大开发战略中的保险保障

    Insurance Assure for the Strategy of the Development of West Area

  5. 保险保障基金制度中的道德风险研究

    A Study of Moral Hazard in the Insurance Guaranty Fund System

  6. 我国保险保障基金风险费率模拟分析

    A simulation of insurance guarantee fund rates in China Under RRM

  7. 未按照规定提取保险保障基金、公积金的;

    To fail to draw insurance guarantee fund or public accumulation funds ;

  8. 我国《保险保障基金管理办法》的不足及完善

    The Defects in Rules on Administration of Insurance Cover Funds and Its Improvement

  9. 您是否已有充份的公共责任保险保障?

    Are you fully protected for any public liability ?

  10. 论船舶抵押融资的保险保障

    On Insurance Protection for Ship Finance by Mortgage Lending

  11. 理财规划包括利用保险保障你的资产。

    Financial planning includes protecting your assets with insurance .

  12. 论建立我国巨灾保险保障体系

    On Establishing a Catastrophe Insurance System in China

  13. 《保险保障基金管理办法》解读&以破产法为视角

    Unscrambling Insurance Guarantee Fund Management Act & From the View Angle of Bankruptcy Law

  14. 论保单持有人最后一道安全屏障:保险保障基金

    On Final Safe Protective Screen of Person Holding Declaration Form : Insurance Guarantee Fund

  15. 欧盟官员们希望增加保险保障的金额,并采取其它措施。

    EU officials want to increase the amount of money protected by insurance , among other initiatives .

  16. 保险保障基金应当集中管理,统筹使用。

    The management of the insurance guarantee fund will be centralized , and applied on an industry basis .

  17. 我永远不会停下为辛勤工作的美国人民争取医疗保险保障的努力。

    I 'll never stop fighting to help more hardworking Americans know the economic security of health care .

  18. 保险保障基金被用来保护保单持有人,以防止在保险公司发生无偿付能力时造成保单持有人的损失。

    The insurance guaranty fund is used to protect policyholders against their losses incurred by insolvency of insurance companies .

  19. 弹性退休制度与养老保险保障制度整合初论依法报告药品不良反应切实保障公众用药安全

    Flexible Retirement System and Pension Security System According to the regulation reporting ADR and assuring the safety for the people

  20. 他们都承诺扩大医疗保险保障范围,但也都并能扩大至所有4700万人,或是现在没有保险的人。

    They both promise to extend health insurance coverage to many but not all of the47m or so currently uninsured .

  21. 保险保障基金制度效应分析&基于中国财险产业组织视角的研究

    Analysis of the Effect of Insurance Guarantee Fund System : A Study Based on China 's P & C Industrial Organizations

  22. 因此为了获得更充分的保险保障,投保医疗保险很有必要。

    Because this is ensured to obtain more sufficient insurance , cast protect medical treatment to be sure very be necessary .

  23. 新型农村社会养老保险保障水平低,无法保障农村老人的养老需求。

    New type of rural social endowment insurance which is low level can not be guaranteed old-age needs of rural elderly .

  24. 因而,在引入竞争机制的同时,还必须建立科学的保险保障基金制度。

    Therefore , we must establish scientific insurance guarantee fund system when we lead into competitive mechanism at the same time .

  25. 美国的保险保障基金体系已经成为美国保险监管制度中事后监管的重要组成部分。

    America 's insurance guarantee fund system has become an important part of the post-mortem supervision in American insurance supervision system .

  26. 若您觉得现任雇主所提供的医疗保障有所不足,您应考虑以个人保险保障不足之处。

    If you feel your current employer-sponsored coverage is inadequate in some respects , you should consider supplementing it with personal coverages .

  27. 为确保可收回交易应收账,集团亦为主要客户的订单安排收账代理及保险保障。

    To secure recoverability of trade debts , the group has also arranged factoring and insurance coverage for shipments to major customers .

  28. 在此原则上,提出如下建议:(1)建立健全的的森林保险保障体系。

    In these principles , the paper puts forward the following proposals : First , establish a sound system of forest cover .

  29. 举例来说,若银行及其存户知道存款受保险保障,可能会试图承受较大的风险。

    For example , banks and their depositors might be tempted to take bigger risks in the knowledge that they are insured .

  30. 道路客运承运人责任险主要的保险保障包括三个部分:旅客人身伤亡赔偿;

    Theae are mainly three types of insurance protection : first , indemnity of the death of or bodily injury to passengers ;