
  • 网络Period of Insurance;insurance period;term
  1. 投了保的任何物品,如果在保险期内丢失或损害,保险公司要负责赔偿。

    Insurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or damaged during the valid period of insurance .

  2. 许多iPhone用户都表达了对苹果公司这一回复的不满--苹果方面既没有披露问题的原因,也忽略了要延长受影响手机的AppleCare保险期。

    Many iPhone users have expressed their dissatisfaction with Apple 's response - both failing to disclose the cause of the problem and also neglecting to extend Applecare insurance on affected phones .

  3. 这也意味着我们要为失业人员延长失业保险期。

    That means extending unemployment insurance for workers who lost their jobs .

  4. 为了增加保险期,隔离期被延长到10天。

    As an added precaution , the quarantine period is lengthened to10 days .

  5. 用化学应力松弛法快速估算橡皮材料的贮存保险期

    Rapid estimation of the shelf life of rubber vulcanizates by the chemical stress relaxation method

  6. 最低保险期为5天,最长的初步报导时间是12个月。

    The minimum coverage period is5 days and the maximum initial coverage period is12 months .

  7. 在硬件更换保险期内,我们要么通过电话进行远距离指导,要么我们的系统工程师亲临现场为客户提供项目完成之后的软件升级及修补服务。

    We 'll take care of software upgrading and patching afterwards by either providing a remote guide via the phone or period hardware replacement is covered by insurance .

  8. 当拨款、税收优惠或其他补贴过期之后,风险的保险期也会过期,除非同时该企业能够通过其他方式独立生存。

    When the grant , tax incentive or other subsidy expires , the insurability of the risk will also likely expire unless the business has become independently viable in the meanwhile .

  9. 援助小企业以及延长失业保险期不仅仅对遭受经济衰退打击的人们意义重大,而且也是巩固经济的重要步骤。

    Aiding small businesses and renewing unemployment insurance are not just the right things to do for those hit hardest by the recession , they are steps that will help strengthen the recovery .

  10. 保险有效期还有一个月。

    The insurance runs for another month .

  11. 另外,保险有效期内的市场竞争状况,以及突发事件的发生都属于不确定因素。

    In addition , the life insurance market competitions , as well as the occurrence of unexpected events are uncertainties .

  12. 我的保险单有效期只剩下一周了。

    My insurance policy 's only got another week to run .

  13. 2009年以来,失业保险金领取期的限制被放宽;部分劳动者可领取长达99周的失业保险金。

    Starting in 2009 , the limit has been extended ; some workers have collected for as long as 99 weeks .

  14. 本文认为影响保险合同持续期的因素主要包括:投保人的特点、保险产品特点、市场与突发事件。

    The factors that influence the duration of insurance contract includes , characteristics of the insured , characteristics of insurance , change of competition environment and eventualities .

  15. 到岸价加上期得利益,即在到岸价的基础上再加上被保险人的期得利益即货物的目的地销售依法应纳的合法税金和可获得的利润。

    C.I.F is added period get a benefit , go up in the foundation of C.I.F namely plus insurant period get a benefit namely the destination of goods is sold answer lawfully the lawful taxes of accept and getatable profit .

  16. 不论在保险费交付期,还是在养老金领取期,如被保险人死亡,则保险合同即告终止,保险人没有退还保险费或给付养老金的义务。

    Be in no matter insurance premium consign period , still get in annuities period , if insurant dies , safe the contract ends namely stop , the underwriter did not reimburse insurance premium or give the obligation that pays old-age pension .

  17. 质疑与重构&健康保险合同中等待期条款的正当性

    Question and Reconstruction : the Legitimacy of Waiting Period Provision in Health Insurance Contract

  18. 这也是很重要的,你要记住,增加保险费用后中年期。

    It is also important for you to bear in mind that the cost of term insurance increases after middle age .

  19. 尽管在一些市场收缩了业务规模,汇丰说其计划在亚洲扩张其资产管理和保险业务,以期捕捉来自该区域新兴财富的预期机遇。

    Despite reducing the size of its business in some markets , HSBC said it planned to expand its asset management and insurance operations in Asia in hopes of capturing expected opportunities from emerging wealth in the region .

  20. 各主要资本输出国已相继建立了本国的海外投资保险制度,以期保护本国海外投资,提高对东道国政治风险的防范能力。

    The main capital export countries in the world have set up their own oversea investment systems in order to protect native oversea investment , to improve the ability to keep away the political risk from capital import country .

  21. 第二节运用[Dahan等(20032004)]的方法讨论了被保人间的异质性(寿命分布或投保年龄不同)对两类不同的两全保险保单组合的期缴保费的影响。

    Secondly , in section two , we apply the results obtained in [ Dahan et al . ( 2003,2004 ) ] to discuss the effects of heterogeneity ( life-distribution , the age at issue time ) among the insured on the periodical premiums of two different endowment policies portfolios .

  22. 注册时,应检附「健康及伤害保险」证明文件,其保险效期,须包括在本校就读期间。

    While registering , the applicants should enclose " health and injury insurance " documents , effective while at school .

  23. 改革开放前的中国保险业分为旧保险业的整顿改造期、人民保险事业的蓬勃发展期和国内保险业务中断期三个时期。

    Before reform and opening-up , Chinese insurance industry went through reorganized and transformed period , rapid development period and interruption period .

  24. 健康保险赔款准备金是保险公司对健康保险保单有效期内已发生但尚未理赔的保险事故未来的赔偿和给付提取的准备金。

    Claim reserve in health insurance is a kind of reserve which is collected for the incurred claims in the policy period .

  25. 最后,对保险公司在国内如何推进银行保险业务特别是期缴业务进行了展望,并提出了未来的努力方向。

    Finally , it looks into the future of how the insurance companies to promote bancassurance , especially the regular business in China , and proposes the development direction in the future .

  26. 长期的人身保险合同,因不付到期的续期保险费在宽限期后效力中止。

    When insurers still do not pay insurance fees after grace period of life insurance contract , legal effect of contract has two possibilities .