
  1. 肇事逃逸对机动车第三者责任保险赔偿责任的影响

    The Study of Hit-and-run Behavior 's Impact on Compensation Liability of the Third-party Liability Insurance of Motor Vehicles

  2. 公共责任保险赔偿限额每次事故赔偿额一百万新加坡元,事故次数不限。

    Public liability policy-limit of indemnity-one million dollars for each and eveiy accident claimed , with the number of accidents being unlimited .

  3. 我国应借鉴吸收发达国家的先进经验,在特定领域或行业内建立责任保险和赔偿基金制度来应对大规模侵权。

    China should absorb the good experience from developed countries that liability insurance and compensation fund should be established in a particular field or industry to respond to mass torts .

  4. 另一方面,以破产管理人作为投保人也有利于自然人破产管理人制度的推广与实施。2、明确了破产管理人执业责任保险的赔偿范围。

    On the other hand , in bankruptcy administrator as policy-holder is also advantageous natural bankruptcy system promotion and implementation . 2 、 clear the bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance compensation scope .

  5. 首先从油污损害赔偿立法的现状引出两重赔偿主体机制&责任保险和赔偿基金,从整体上明确责任保险制度在油污损害赔偿立法中的地位。

    Firstly , this part begins with double compensation subject mechanisms & liability insurance and compensation fund , which define the position of the system of liability insurance in legislation of compensation for oil pollution damage on the whole .

  6. 第三部分,机动车责任保险与侵权责任赔偿制度的关系。

    Part III makes a comparison between third party motor insurance and tort liability .

  7. 2002年国务院《医疗事故处理条例》颁布,使得医疗责任保险在医疗损害赔偿方面显得更加重要,各地掀起实施医疗责任保险的热潮。

    The proclamation of the statute on medical accident disposal in 2002 makes the medical liability insurance more important and popular in China .

  8. 探讨环境立法中需建立和完善的相关制度,如团体诉讼制度、行政救济体制、责任保险制度和国家赔偿制度等。

    And it discussed the perfection of system in environmental legislation , such as group lawsuit system , administrative relief system , insurance system and national reparation system .

  9. 重点探讨了我国不动产登记机构错误登记损害赔偿制度建设的职业责任保险机制,稳定赔偿资金来源,最大限度的保护受害人的损失。

    Focuses on the registration of real estate registration agency error compensation system for the construction of professional liability insurance mechanism , we should stable source of funds for compensation to maximize the protection of victims of the loss .

  10. 第三章对工伤事故侵权责任与保险制度进行了比较。在工伤事故损害赔偿制度中,存在着侵权责任赔偿,工伤保险赔偿(社会保险)以及责任保险赔偿(商业保险)几种制度。

    There are some different methods in damage compensation system of industrial injury accident , including tort liability compensation , compensation of industrial injury insurance ( social insurance ) and compensation of liability insurance ( commercial insurance ) .