
  • 网络Responsible party
  1. 故障维修费用责任方应由横河根据调查结果确定。

    Responsible party for repair cost for the problems shall be determined by Yokogawa based on our investigation .

  2. 适当时,可要求责任方纠正任何初次修补行动问题。

    Where appropriate , the responsible party will be required to rectify any problems that occurred with the original repair action .

  3. 目的探讨药品不良反应(ADR)中相关责任方对最低伤害补偿级别的选择,并分析其特征。

    Objective To investigate the selection of lowest grade of injury in compensation of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) for responsible parties , and analyse the characteristics .

  4. 是否环境管理规划(策划)过程涉及了所有责任方?

    Does the environmental management planning process involve all responsible parties ?

  5. 电子废弃物物流及责任方安全职责分析

    Study on the safety liability of responsible parties during WEEE logistics

  6. 从责任方重新获得的净化代价中提取3亿美元。

    And $ 300 million from cleanup costs recovered from responsible parties .

  7. 第7章是储蓄率差异与中美经济关系的互动调整,提出了中美贸易关系的责任方,也总结和概括了解决中美贸易关系失衡的主要措施和方法。

    Chapter 7 is Interactive adjustment between saving rate difference and the Sino-US economic relationship .

  8. 替代性的办法是,总统可以颁布行政命令,责令责任方采取保护性措施。

    Alternatively , the President may issue administrative orders directing responsible parties to take protective action .

  9. 本文有针对性地从法定竞业禁止的主体、客体及法律责任方而提出了加以完善的立法建议。

    For perfecting its legislation , suggestions are advanced from its subject and object and legal liability .

  10. 另外一个重要问题是潜在责任方负有法律责任费用的本质问题。

    Another important matter is the nature of the costs for which PRPs may be held liable .

  11. 责任方维度调节能够降低被试的愤怒情绪,继而增加他们的风险认知;

    Those in high cognitive reappraisal feel less anger and fear than those in low cognitive reappraisal ;

  12. 据此,上述责任方,同意遵守以下条款。

    NOW THEREFORE , the parties hereto , intending to be legally bound , hereby agree as follows .

  13. 我们还将对钻塔爆炸沉没的情况进行全面调查,相关责任方必须承担起责任。

    And while there 'll be time to fully investigate what happened on that rig and hold responsible parties accountable .

  14. 论文主要建立在前人研究的基础上,将高等教育质量影响因素归结为国家和政府部门、社会、高校、教师、家长和学生六个责任方。

    This study based on previous studies divides factors into six including national government , universities , teachers , parents and students .

  15. 但是,法庭上责任方的判定,以及随后给予遇难者家属应有的赔偿可能需要耗费数年的时间。

    But proving who 's responsible in a court of law , and giving families their due , could easily take years .

  16. 要求检验的一方应当支付检验费用,是有权向造成货物损失的责任方追偿。

    The party requesting such inspection shall bear the cost thereof but is entitled to recover the same from the party causing the damage .

  17. 李明博说,一旦这些证据被找到,韩国将向责任方采取“明确而严厉的措施”。

    If and when that information is obtained , Lee said , Seoul will take " clear and stern measures " against those responsible .

  18. 残损属原残,根据提单条款规定,残损应由责任方负责。

    The damaged cargo belong to original damage , as per bill of lading 's provision . someone takes the responsibility for the damages .

  19. 信用证更改产生的银行费用由责任方负担。

    The bank charge ( s ) for amendment of the Letter of Credit , if any , shall be borne by the responsible party .

  20. 事故责任方尚不明确,西城区安监部门和北京热力集团正对事故进行调查。

    The party responsible for the accident is still unclear as an investigation by Xicheng district 's work safety bureau and Beijing District Heating Group is underway .

  21. 因保管不善泄露密钥,造成资金损失的,有关责任方应当按规定承担赔偿责任。

    Where the secret key is disclosed for improper keeping thus causing any loss of fund , relevant responsible party shall bear the liability for compensation as required .

  22. 货车司机也可以在线查看集装箱的破损记录,从而确定责任方并快速解决纠纷,而这通常是一项困难而耗时的工作。

    Truckers can also view a container 's damage history on-line to ascertain responsible parties and quickly resolve disputes , typically a very difficult and time consuming task .

  23. 从鉴证业务三要素、审计成本和内部控制审计的目的和产生的原因,重新定位内部控制审计为基于责任方认定的业务。

    With three elements of attestation , audit costs and information disclosure , this paper relocates the business of the audit of internal control as business based on responsibility .

  24. 总统已要求英国石油公司和所有责任方支付经济赔偿正当要求居民和石油泄漏影响的迅速和公正的业务。

    The President has demanded that BP and all responsible parties pay legitimate claims of economic damages to residents and businesses affected by the oil spill quickly and fairly .

  25. 在《最高基金修正与再授权法案》之前,潜在的责任方和环境保护团体在执行整顿以前,在一些特殊场地方面,也常对环境保护局提议的补救行为提请司法审查。

    Before sara , both potentially responsible parties PRPs and environmental groups often sought judicial review of epa 's proposed remedial actions at particular sites before the cleanups were implemented .

  26. 如果加州机动车管理局认定谷歌汽车为此次事故的责任方,那么其雄心勃勃的自动驾驶计划无疑将遭受重大的挫折。

    If the DMV considers the Google car to be at fault for the collision , it could be seen as a setback for the company 's ambitious autonomous vehicle plans .

  27. 创伤外科见习中常见伦理问题包括手术伦理问题、病人与事故责任方利益冲突问题、保护病人隐私权问题、病人决定权问题和药物临床试验中的伦理问题等。

    Common ethical issues in trauma surgery practice include ethics of operative principles , conflict between trauma sufferers and accident-makers , privacy preservation , decision making , and the principles of clinical pharmaceutical trials , etc.

  28. 甲方、乙方因各自的原因不能在合同规定的期限内如期认证审核,责任方要向对方支付认证费用的20%作为违约金。

    If assessments could not be conducted during the time prescribed in the Contract due to Party A or Party B 's reason , the responsible party shall pay20 % of the assessment fee as penalty .

  29. 为执行该等流程,要求所有维护人员亲自签核其工作。每个人作为各自工作的责任方,在维护管理系统中进行识别。

    To implement this process , all maintenance personnel will be required to personally sign off on all of their work , and each individual will be identified in the CMMS as the party responsible for his or her repair work .

  30. 我国海域油污污染损害赔偿案件,如果是因为单船发生事故(例如船舶搁浅、油轮爆炸等原因)导致的油污损害赔偿,此类案件直接由油污责任方对油污受害人承担损害赔偿责任。

    In oil pollution compensation cases caused of collision damage , if this accident is because of oil pollution damages caused by a single vessel ( such as ship grounding , tanker explosion and other reasons ), the leaking party is responsible for oil pollution resulting .