
  • 网络Responsibility matrix;Responsibility Assignment Matrix
  1. 接下来制作工作分解图并给出责任矩阵,使项目的模块分工更为清晰,并对项目各活动的时间和进度作了估算和计划。

    Second , make work breakdown diagram and give the responsibility matrix , so that a clearer division of the project module is made .

  2. 研究了航空型号项目的WBS结构,工作包的参数计算、资源估算和工作责任矩阵;

    Then , the WBS structure of aviation project is researched . The parameter calculating , the method of resource estimating , and responsibility assign matrix of the work package is provided .

  3. 着重探讨了如何将项目管理中的项目管理树、WBS和责任矩阵等主要工具应用到基本建设活动中,进一步促进管理的规范化和效率的提高。

    This paper mainly studied how to use Project Management 's tools , such as the project management tree , WBS , the authority matrix and so on , in capital construction , and it further promotes the management standardization and efficiency .

  4. 责任矩阵的区分–每年

    Separation of Duties Matrix-Annual

  5. 然后,通过使用项目的工作分解结构、网络计划技术和责任分配矩阵等项目管理方法对X交通客运公司交通安全管理主要影响因素进行管理,取得了一定的绩效。

    Then , By using the project work breakdown structure and the network planning technology and the responsibility assignment matrix project management method to manage the main factors affecting the traffic safety management in the X bus company .

  6. 其后,根据这一些方法,本文制定了项目的工作分解结构、责任分配矩阵、资源项目费率和工作包描述表等管理规范。

    Subsequently , according , this paper establishes work breakdown structure , responsibility assignment matrix , rates of resource , work package description tables and other management practices for a specific project .

  7. 系统首次提出了多层次责任分配矩阵模型,使工作分解树与机构分解树之间的关联更为科学合理。

    At the same time , in the system it had proposed a multi-level distribution of responsibilities matrix model for the first time , it caused the work with the body decomposition tree linkages between the decomposition tree more scientific and rational .

  8. 通过分析继电保护设备检修管理的内容及特点,运用工作分解方法对继电保护设备检修全过程管理进行逐级分解,建立责任分配矩阵,总结继电保护状态检修全过程管理的流程。

    Through the analysis of relay protection equipment maintenance management of the content and features of the work , using decomposition method of relay protection equipment maintenance process management are stepwise decomposition , to establish the responsibility assignment matrix , summarize the state relay protection maintenance process management process .

  9. 对TA公司投标项目案例采用了基于项目责任制的矩阵管理模式来构建团队组织,对项目干系人进行了分类,对项目团队内部群体进行了分析,完善内部沟通机制。

    Adopt matrix mode that basing on project responsibility mechanism to set up the team organization , classify relational people of the project , carry out the analysis to the internal community of the project team , and improve communication mechanism . 6 .

  10. 并且,促使产生质量的严格过程、团队责任心和目标矩阵也创建了可预言性。

    And the rigorous processes , team responsibility , and objective metrics that contribute to producing quality also create predictability .

  11. 将利益相关者类型与企业社会责任类型相结合,构建利益相关者&企业社会责任矩阵,帮助企业确定对每种利益相关者采取哪些社会责任行为。

    4 , stakeholders and corporate social responsibility types of combining type and establish the " stakeholders - corporate social responsibility " matrix to help enterprises to determine for each stakeholder what social responsibility acts .