
  1. 随着会计反倾销与会计国际一体化的进程,社会责任信息列报成为必然。

    With the development of accounting antidumping and accounting internationalization , information statements of social responsibility is inevitable .

  2. 法律、行政法规规定设立有限责任公司必须报经审批的,还应当提交有关的批准文件。

    Where any law or administrative regulations require that the establishment of a limited liability company be subject to examination and approval , the approval documents concerned shall also be submitted .

  3. 地震发生的第二天,就及时地发布了相关信息,并且此后又进行了连续报道、跟踪报道,彰显了一家主流媒体的社会责任意识和大报风范。

    The relevant information about the earthquake was shown the next day , then following continuous coverage , tracking reports , which has shown a sense of social responsibility and newspaper style .

  4. 所以,在座的全体工作人员,不管你是警察或护士,当我们正确地履行责任时,果报自然会跟著来,切莫要求任何东西或期待任何果报。

    So all of you officers , whether you are policemen or nurses in the hospital , when we do our duties properly , the results will follow . Don 't want anything or expect any results .