
zé rèn xiàn é
  • limit of liability
  1. 被保险人可选择保险责任限额及货币种类。

    Insured can select Limit of Liability and currency for coverage .

  2. 本协议不增加本保险单所列明的责任限额。

    This agreement shall not increase the Limit of Liability provided for elsewhere in this Policy .

  3. 借记卡有不同的责任限额,这取决于银行和一切有关欺诈的事件。

    Debit cards have different liability limits depending on the bank and the events surrounding any fraud .

  4. 提高责任限额、合理限制责任;

    Raising amount of limitation of liability 、 limiting liability reasonably ;

  5. 第六章中笔者探讨了船舶油污损害赔偿的责任限额问题。

    In chapter 6 the author discusses limitation of oil pollution liability .

  6. 第四、第四节探讨了国际航空货物承运人责任限额制度。

    The fourth section discusses the limited liability system of international air cargo carrier .

  7. 统一赔偿责任限额规则

    Uniform monetary limitation of liability rule

  8. 国内航班提高赔偿责任限额&《国内航空运输承运人赔偿责任限额规定》发布

    Domestic Flight Compensation Limit Raised

  9. 对于改制后的会计师事务所应承担的责任限额应以法律的形式确定下来。

    Also the responsibilities limits of accountant agency after reform should be defined in the form of law .

  10. 华沙公约生效后,就开始了对其责任限额不断修订的过程,这个过程可以说是漫长而艰难。

    After the Warsaw Convention was executed , the liability limit has started its long and hard continuously amendment .

  11. 当赔偿额达到保险责任限额时,本公司支付赔款或进行辩护的义务终止。

    Our duty to settle or defend ends when our limit of liability for this coverage has been exhausted .

  12. 但截至目前,民航总局并没有相应的赔偿责任限额规定出台。

    However , so far , Civil Aviation Administration of China did not limit the liability of the corresponding regulations .

  13. 对每名旅客随身携带的物品的赔偿责任限额为332计算单位。

    The liability of the carrier for carry-on baggage of a passenger is limited to332 units of account per passenger .

  14. 第四章是对海上人身伤亡损害赔偿的范围以及责任限额问题进行探讨,这也是该文的侧重点。

    Chapter four is included on the scope of indemnity and the limitations of liabilities in this article giving its highlights .

  15. 救助基金的补偿内容包括补偿条件、补偿的责任限额的界定及补偿的程序的细化。

    The terms of compensation , the definition of liability limit of compensation and the refinement of compensation procedures should be improved .

  16. 主要争议为海牙规则是否适用于本案以及赔偿责任限额应为多少。

    Main dispute for Hague rule whether is suitable in this case as well as the compensation responsibility quota should for how many .

  17. 目前,海上旅客运输中的热点问题、争议主要是在,应否提高承运人的赔偿责任限额;

    Nowadays , the main arguments relating to carriage of passengers by sea are whether to improve the limitation of liability for carrier ;

  18. 保险公司经营巨额财产保险,应当严格执行保险法关于责任限额的规定。

    Insurance company runs insurance of property of a huge sum , ought to implement the insurance doctrine regulation about liability limit strictly .

  19. (二)对托运行李或者货物的赔偿责任限额,每公斤为17计算单位。

    The liability of the carrier for each kilogram of checked baggage or cargo is limited to a sum of 17 units of account .

  20. 就制度构建方面来说,应当引入补偿、赔偿责任限额制度,以减轻车方的责任。

    In terms of system construction , in order to diminish responsibility of infringer , limit of compensation responsibility and liability should be adopted .

  21. 但在司法实践中对于诉讼程序、归责原则、责任限额等问题仍须进行正确地理解与适用。

    However , it still needs correct understanding and application in judicatory practice on the problems of litigation procedure , liability undertaking principle and liability limitation , etc.

  22. 为防范巨灾风险对自保基金的冲击,选择自留一定责任限额的商业保险成为大多数自保基金的主要策略。

    In order to guard against the impact of catastrophic risk , selecting certain commercial insurance with liability limited becomes a main strategy of the self-insurance funds .

  23. 它为承运人设置了推定过失的归责原则和承运人责任限额,这两项规则是华沙公约的灵魂所在,也是此后历次修订的核心问题。

    The Warsaw Convention set up the supposed fault responsibility and carrier liability limitation , which is soul of the Warsaw Convention and core amended all previous hereafter .

  24. 从承运人、实际承运人和他们的受雇人和代理人取得的赔偿金额总数,不得超过本公约所规定的责任限额。

    The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier , the actual carrier and their servants and agents shall not exceed the limits of liability provided for in this Convention .

  25. 在任何情况下,从我们及我们的授权代理人和受雇人获取的赔偿总额不得超过我们的责任限额。

    The aggregate amount recoverable from us and from our Authorized Agents , employees , representatives and persons , shall not exceed the amount of our own liability , if any .

  26. 海上拖航作业中,非船队理论的责任限额计算方法能与我国海上拖航的归责原则相匹配。

    As for sea towage , the calculation of the amount of limitation of liability under non-fleet theory matches the principle of liability of sea towage and should be adopted in China .

  27. 但是保险公司保险单又规定了免赔额、共同保险条款、责任限额,从而使存在不当行为的董事自己承担一部分损失和费用。

    Insurers often stipulate deductible amount , coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts , so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs .

  28. 第六章结合国外的立法及司法实践,提出从相对过失抗辩、责任限额抗辩和其他抗辩等方面建立我国会计师事务所的抗辩体系,从而对会计师事务所和委托人之间的利益进行衡平。

    Section Six establishes the counterplea systems for the accounting firms , including the comparative negligence defense , limitation of liability defense and other defenses , which balance the interests between the accounting firms and the clients .

  29. 在责任限额方面,对直索股东不应设置限额。主张有限额的观点,主要是受到传统司法解释的影响以及对股东有限责任的盲目坚持,没有理解法人格否认的制度本意。

    The opinion that advocates limited quota , which is influenced by conventional juridical interpretations , and aimless persistence of limited liability of shareholders , does not understand the essence of the rule of piercing the corporate veil .

  30. 以船舶进行救助作业或者在被救船舶上进行救助作业的救助人,其责任限额按照总吨位为1500吨的船舶计算。

    The limitation of liability for any salvor not operating from any ship or for any salvor operating solely on the ship to , or in respect of which , he is rendering salvage services , shall be calculated according to a gross tonnage of1500 tons .