
zé quán lì
  • Responsibility and rights;responsibility system characterized by the combination of responsibility, power and interests
  1. FAM股份有限公司保留对其所提供之信息的时事性,正确性,完整性以及质量的免责权利。

    FAM GmbH reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality , correctness , completeness or quality of the information provided .

  2. 人力资本产权主体责权利不对称等方面。

    Asymmetry of manpower capital property right 's responsibility and profits .

  3. 浅谈施工企业项目经理的责权利

    Analysis of The Project Manager 's Duty And Right in Construction Enterprises

  4. 中央和地方的责权利关系尚未理顺。

    Between the central and the local authorities has yet to be straightened out .

  5. 明确班组长责权利深入开展班组劳动竞赛

    Definite team leader 's responsibility , right and benefit to carry out work team competence

  6. 在产权方面,家族企业的产权制度降低了委托代理成本、责权利的高度统一也有利于决策;

    In property right , the property right system of the family business has reduced the agency cost .

  7. 国有企业经营者与所有者的责权利分析及对策

    Analysis of the Manager of the State-Owned Enterprises and its Responsibility , Right and Profit and the Countermeasures

  8. 控股(集团)公司与子公司的责权利定位

    The Positioning of Responsibility , Power and Interests of the Holding ( Group ) Corporation and Subsidiary Companies

  9. 合理分配各项权能,明确界定所有者与使用者之间的责权利关系等。

    Reasonably allocating various forest rights and defining the rights and obligations of the owners and users of collective forest .

  10. 法律通过设立目标、原则、规则和标准,规范个人、单位、政府和政府部门的责权利。

    Law establishes objective principles , rules and criteria to regulate rights , responsibilities and conduct of individuals , communities , governments , and administrative agencies .

  11. 提出以加强参与主体的激励,明确各方责权利为原则建立田间灌溉土渠管理。

    Based on the existing problems in management of farm irrigation canals at present , how to strengthen construction management and daily management modes are put forward .

  12. 为了更加有效,这些部门预算应该在由组织结构图所划分的责权利的基础上予以编制。

    To make or use a budget . For best results , these budgets should be based on the lines of authority and responsibility fixed by the organization chart .

  13. 企业作为社会的一个公民,享有一定的权利,占用一定的资源,就应该承担相应的责任,责权利是统一的。

    As a social citizen , enterprise enjoy certain rights , occupy certain resources , should bear the corresponding social responsibility , power , responsibility and interest are unified .

  14. 以米切尔对利益相关者的分类方法为依据,识别各个核心利益相关者,再从责权利的统一对其协同保障的动力机制进行分析。

    Mitchell stakeholders to classification as the basis to identify the various key stakeholders , and then analyze them from a unified collaborative responsibility and rights protection mechanisms of power .

  15. 内部财务监控主体基于委托代理关系、授权关系和责权利关系等按层级配置财务监控权,外部财务监控主体以强制性监控市场与竞争性财务监控市场为核心配置财务监控权。

    The allocation of internal financial supervision authority at different levels is based on the principal-agent relationship while external financial supervision is executed mainly on the mandatory and competitive outside supervising market .

  16. 合同是工程项目管理的主线,是工程开展的指南,是确定业主和承包商双方责权利的依据。

    Contract is the mainline of Project Management , the guidebook for conducting project , and the legal ground for determining responsibility , rights and benefit between the owner and the contractor .

  17. 构建科学、高效的责任会计体系,将责权利的关系贯穿于会计工作之中,是完善现代企业制度的重要保证。

    In perfecting the modern enterprise system , it is significant to construct a scientific and effective responsibility accounting system and to put responsibility , right , and interest into accounting work .

  18. 国有企业管理应从管理的混乱状况入手分析造成混乱的原因,并提出以有效责任为责权利衡量的标准,建立有效责任管理体系。

    Causes of the chaos should be analyzed in the state-owned enterprise so as to establish an effective duty management system with effective duty as the standard measuring duties , rights and benefits .

  19. 建立相关的教育理论、管理体制、法律法规,促使校长负责制有效实施、确保校长的责权利是本文的目的。

    This paper aims at establishing the related educational theories , management system , laws and regulations to impel the effective implement of this system and guarantee the headmaster 's power , responsibility and interests .

  20. 责权利对等是现代法治社会的一项基本要求,要使得个人账户基金投资具有活力,就有必要强调个人在个人账户基金管理中的主体作用。

    It is a basic demand of the modern society governed by law that the responsibility and right is reciprocal . Making the investment of personal account have vigor , individual function in personal account fund must emphasize .

  21. 它主要是通过合理的管理制度安排以对人的行为进行规范与激励,其中最重要的是责权利要明确和对等。

    It is mainly to standardize and to encourage human action by rational arrange of management institution . What is most important of all is those , duty , right and interest ought to be made clear and equity .

  22. 对地质工作的风险进行分析,理顺价格关系,建立完善的地质成果市场,提高折旧率及大修理提取率,对大型精密仪器等提折旧,以解决责权利关系不对等问题。

    For resolving the problem of unequal responsibility-power-benefit , we must analysis the risk of the geological work , readjust the relation between the prices , perfect geological reports market , raise the rate of the depreciation and major overhaul .

  23. 她对经贸系统企业整顿工作提出了五项要求:一、改善经营管理,加强岗位责任制,做到责权利一致;

    She set five demands on the work of reorganizing enterprises under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade : 1 . Improve economic management , strengthen responsibility system by setting up close links among obligation , power and interests ;

  24. 在责权利关系调整中,应重点处理好行政权力与学术权力、学院权力与系权力、学院权力与职能部门权力的关系。

    In this adjustment , the relationship between administrative right and academic right , between the school 's right and the department 's right and between the school 's right and the functional development 's right should be the focus of attention .

  25. 在这些基础上,研究了中国内河运输的合理定位与发展战略。为了顺利实现预算管理,要求在责权利对等的基础上,对企业的组织机制重新构建和合理定位。

    Finally , reasonable status and development strategy of Chinese IWT are discussed . In order to carry out budgeting management successfully they should reconstruct and orientate reasonably the business 's recognization on the basis of the equity of responsibility , right and benefit .

  26. 索赔是承包商和业主之间责权利关系和工程风险承担比例的合理再分配,也是国际建筑市场上承包商维护自身合法权益的重要手段。

    Claim is a reasonable re-distribution of responsibility , power and interest , and is also the re-assessment of the risk ratio between the contractor and the owner . It is an important measure for contractors to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in international construction market .

  27. 本文讨论我国国有企业会计规则制定权合约安排变迁中两个比较迫切需要解决的问题:(1)国家审计机关在国有企业会计规则制定权合约安排中应处的位置及应有的责权利;

    This paper discusses two urgent issues on the change of state-owned enterprises contractual arrangement of rights of determining accounting rules , they are : ( 1 ) What 's the position of government auditing agency in state-owned enterprises contractual arrangement of rights of determining accounting rules ;

  28. 传统的单项目管理及企业多项目管理并没有着眼于项目相关方责权利划分及协调的层面,不能有效应对上述问题。

    As to traditional single project management and enterprise project management , they do not focus on the division and coordination of stakeholders , which means they cannot deal with these problems effectively . Under such circumstances , researches on the hydropower project governance are being carried out gradually .

  29. 尽管由于目前对于这次改革中中央与地方责权利的划分还存在不同意见,但对于其中的一项改革内容&省管县的财政体制改革,学术界及政府部门均给予了高度评价。

    Although there are different opinions on the rights division between the central and the local government , there is no different opinion on one of the policy reforms & " Provinces governing county directly " furthermore , both the academy and the government gave highly appraises to the reform .

  30. 这样的体制由于产权不明晰;政府事权不分,导致市场对资源配置的基础性作用缺失,生产经营活动的责权利关系不清,交通运输发展受到极大束缚。

    Such a system because of unclear property rights , government powers , regardless , leading the market in resource allocation to the basic role of the missing , the relationship between production and business activities responsibility , right and benefit unclear , transportation and development was a great bound .