
  1. 本论文将其归纳为责任原理、权力冲突、社会公正和生命尊严四个方面,它们与信息技术的逻辑体系是直接对应的,是信息技术逻辑作用的直接结果。

    All of the above four aspects correspond directly with logic system of information technology and is the ultimate result of the function of information technology logic .

  2. 同时环境责任原理和日益完善的环境立法为环境责任机制的构建提供了理论基础和现实依据。

    Principle of environmental responsibility while improving the environmental legislation and increasing environmental responsibility for the construction of the mechanism provides a theoretical basis and practical basis .

  3. 按照责任主义原理,不能出现某种犯罪只能由过失构成而不能由故意构成的局面;

    According to the principle of responsibility , the situation should be avoid - ed that crime can be constituted by negligence but not by intent .

  4. 本章第二节提出确立科学的证明责任分配原理和分配内容,是完善我国检察官证明责任制度的根本要求。

    Section II of this chapter provides that establishing a scientific principal for allocating burden of proof is the fundamental requirement to improve our burden of proof on prosecutor .

  5. 本文从法律责任的一般原理出发,论述了虚假披露的法律责任的构成。

    Starting from the basic theory of legal liability , this articlediscusses the composition of legal liabilities of false disclosure .

  6. 第二章是对我国的道路交通事故及其民事赔偿责任的基本原理的全面阐述。

    Chapter ⅱ: The general expatiation of the basic principles of Chinese road traffic accident and the civil compensation responsibility for it .

  7. 根据证明责任的分配原理,在陷阱抗辩中首先应当由被告人承担证明责任。

    According to the the principle of the burden of proof , the defendant should prove the constitution of investigative entrapment firstly .

  8. 根据证明责任的分担原理,对非法实物证据的排除,一般应由被告方承担证明责任,其证明达到“优势证据”即可;

    According to the rule of proof , the defendant shall assume the burden of proof of illegal real evidence with the standard of " priority evidence " .

  9. 并运用风险责任-利益原理对经理人问题进行了分析,得出一个公平有利的风险责任利益结构应当是风险责任与风险利益相对称。

    The principle of risk liability-gain was employed to probe into a few problems of managers and come to a useful conclusion that the fair and rational structure for risk liability and risk gain was based on the match of risk liability and risk gain .

  10. 美国法人刑事责任的集体认识原理

    The Collective Knowledge Doctrine of American Corporate Criminal Liability

  11. 第一章介绍了强制责任保险的一般原理,并对海上强制责任保险的出现的必要性和重要意义进行了阐述。

    Chapter one explores the basic principal of marine compulsory insurance and deliberates its significance .

  12. 它的实质是通过风险责任社会化的原理,让每一个排污企业都承担环境风险。

    Essentially , according to the principle that the duty of risk share with society , every polluting enterprise assume the responsibility of risk .

  13. 行政诉讼举证责任分配的一般原理有:公正、当事人提供证据的可能性与现实性、效率。原告承担举证责任的范围包括:①具体行政行为的存在;

    The general principles of distribution of load of proof in administrative action are the justness , feasibility and reality of providing proof by the litigant , efficiency .

  14. 我们必须坚持责任保险的基本原理,并适当优化责任保险制度,理性变革以积极应对侵权法发展所带来的影响。

    We must adhere to the basic principles of Liability Insurance , and properly optimized in order to actively respond to the impact of the development of tort law .

  15. 本文在分析研究不真正连带责任内涵及基本原理的基础上,对本案例的焦点问题进行了分析探讨,并针对前述的各个分歧意见,分别陈述了笔者自己的见解。

    Based on analyzing and studying the connotation and basic principles of the unreal joint obligation , further discussing of the focal point , this paper will put forward the opinions separately , aiming to the various viewpoints aforesaid .

  16. 本文首先介绍了寿险责任准备金的精算原理和核算原则,进而引入了对我国新旧会计准则下寿险责任准备金核算方法的比较。

    It also will help us to refine and improve the new guidelines . Firstly , this thesis introduced the actuarial principles and accounting principles of life insurance reserve , thereby led to the comparison of the accounting method for life insurance .

  17. 另一方面,根据自由与责任相对应的原理,享受了学术自由权利的大学,还应该履行自由的责任,包括社会责任及维护学术自由应履行的责任。

    On the other hand , based on the principle of a match between freedom and responsibility , a university enjoying the right of academic freedom should perform the responsibilities of freedom , which include social responsibility and the responsibility to maintain academic freedom itself .

  18. 在分析诉讼程序事实适用举证责任的条件和举证责任分配的原理后,对原告承担举证责任的诉讼程序事实进行了探讨。

    This article also discusses facts of litigation proceeding after analyzing the condition of facts of litigation proceeding and the distributive principle of the onus of proof by the plaintiff .

  19. 我们应坚持责任保险基本原则,不能因为侵权法的发展打破责任保险的基本原理。

    We should adhere to the basic principles of liability insurance , can not break the basic principle of liability insurance because of the development of tort law .