
  1. 本文首先对目前研究比较多的持久层理论作了综合性的介绍,原理、常用类型及数据装载方式等。

    Firstly , this article introduces the persistent layer theory : principle , commonly use type and mode of data loading , and so on .

  2. 应用自然科学与社会科学交叉与综合的相似性基本原理,引入物理学中的热力学熵基本概念与理论用于危机管理。

    Based on the fundamental principles of similarity between natural science and social science resulting from their overlapping and integration , this paper introduces the basic concept and theory of entropy in thermodynamics into crisis management .

  3. 在法哲学和法理学意义上,法律原则是指法律的基础性真理、原理,或是为其他法的要素提供基础或本源的综合性、稳定性的原理和准则。

    In the sense of Legal Philosophy and Jurisprudence , legal principles refer to the basic truths or principles of the law , or to the comprehensive and stable principles and norms providing basics or originals for other laws .