
  1. 基于P2P技术的校园网络课堂教学系统通信模型的研究

    Research on Campus Network Synchronous Teaching System Communication Model Based on P2P Technology

  2. 医学文献检索课堂教学系统控制与设计的方法

    Design and control of classroom teaching system for medical literature retrieval

  3. 计算机多媒体课堂教学系统的设计探讨

    Some study of design for the multimedia computer teaching system

  4. 化学课堂教学系统动态分析

    A Dynamic Analysis of the Chemistry Classroom Teaching System

  5. 多媒体大课堂教学系统建设

    Construction of Teaching System Based on Multimedia Classrooms

  6. 信息社会的现代化体育课堂教学系统的设计与应用

    On the Modernized Design and Application of Classroom Teaching System of Physical Education in Information Society

  7. 最后,笔者指出了基于网络的中学美术课堂教学系统还有待进一步研究的课题方向。

    Finally , the author has ascertained a new research topic of computer-aided education in the network environment .

  8. 在多媒体教室的基础上建设大课堂教学系统,是目前高校教学工作的实际需要。

    The construction of teaching system based on multimedia classrooms is an urgent need of teaching in the university now .

  9. 第三部分内容首先就以学为本的课堂教学系统进行了理论构建。

    In the third chapter , first the thesis constructs class teaching system based on students ' learning by theories .

  10. 介绍了自行研制的语言机和微机构成的多媒体微机辅助课堂教学系统可靠性估算及环境试验。

    An introduction about the reliability estimation and environment test of the self-developed language machine and the multi-media computer aided teaching system .

  11. 在课堂教学系统中强调利用动画技术模拟计算机硬件的工作过程,并建立动画库;

    In the " Class teaching system " we utilize movie technique to simulate the working processor of computer hardware and create movie library ;

  12. 教学目标是课堂教学系统最重要的支柱,它是课堂教学的出发点和归宿,也是教学的动力,是实现有效教学的首要条件。

    Teaching aims is the most important pillar in the class instruction system , the starting point and end result of classroom teaching , the teaching motive , and the primary condition of realizing effective teaching .

  13. 课堂教学系统的各种生态因素相互作用、相互影响,在生态场和心理场内不断地进行物质循环、能量流动和信息传递,从而实现育人的生态功能。

    The Classroom Teaching System carries out the ecological functions of education through the interaction and mutual influence of the various ecological factors interact and the exchange of materials , emotions and information in the ecological and psychological field .

  14. 有鉴于此,文章对课堂教学系统的生态失衡现象进行了生态学分析,并试图构建基于生态学的课堂教学观,从而优化课堂的结构,改善课堂教学生态的功能,提高课堂教学的质量。

    In view of this , the paper analyzed the imbalance phenomena from the perspective of ecology and tries to build on the ecology of the classroom teaching , thereby optimizing the structure of the classroom teaching , improving classroom teaching ecological functions and improving the quality of classroom teaching .

  15. 基于AGENT及XML技术的课堂网络教学系统初探

    A Classroom Teaching System Built on Agent and XML Technology

  16. 高职高专课堂教学评价系统设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Classroom Teaching Evaluation System for Vocational Colleges

  17. 论高校课堂教学评估系统的建立

    On the Establishment of the System of Higher Education Teaching Evaluation

  18. 基于.NET的网络课堂教学辅助系统的应用研究

    Application Research on Network Classroom Education-Aided System Based on . NET

  19. 信息化环境下课堂教学支持系统的研究与实现

    Study and Realization of a Classroom Teaching Support System under the Information-based Environment

  20. 学生评价课堂教学质量系统的构建

    The Construction of Students Evaluating Class-Teaching Quality System

  21. 高等院校课堂教学评估系统

    Estimating System of Classroom Teaching in Colleges

  22. 高等教育课堂教学评估系统EEIS/EBKT分析研究

    Analysis and research of eeis / ebkt of the evaluation system of the classroom teaching of Higher Education

  23. 课堂教学信息系统是由语言信息、行为信息和情感信息三个要素构成的。

    The information system of the classroom teaching is constitute by the language information , behavior information and the emotion information three main factor .

  24. 但是,外籍教师也存在一些问题:不了解中国英语教学的实际情况,课堂教学缺乏系统性,缺乏专业背景和教师队伍不稳定。

    Nevertheless , they also have their disadvantages , unaware of Chinese English teaching , lack of systematicness in English teaching , lack of expertise background and instability .

  25. 课堂教学权力系统所具有的肯定与限制、保障与约束等二重性,决定了它是分析和解决课堂控制与学生自主难题的基本维度,也为课堂控制与学生自主的同时实现打开了多种可能性。

    Such dualities as affirmation and restrictiveness , guarantee and restriction of classroom instructional power system determine that it is not only the basic dimension of analyzing and solving the issue but also opens up many possibilities of realizing classroom control and students ' autonomy .

  26. 随后详细阐述了课堂教学评价软件系统(ETS)的分析与设计,按照课堂教学评价的实施顺序,把软件系统划分为相应的四个主模块:数据库准备、数据输入、数据处理、显示与打印。

    Thirdly , the paper elaborates on analyzing and designing the software system ( ETS ) . It divides ETS into four main modules according to the evaluating sequences : database preparing , data inputting , data processing and displaying & printing .

  27. 基于B/S架构课堂教学评价信息系统设计

    Designing of Teaching Evaluation System Based on B / S Architecture

  28. 基于B/S架构的课堂教学质量评价系统研究

    Research on Teaching Quality Evaluation System Based on B / S Structure

  29. 本文着重讨论了学校课堂教学评价软件系统的设计与实现。

    This paper focuses on compiling specialized software for evaluation of classroom teaching .

  30. 高校课堂教学评估信息系统程序设计

    Programming of information system of classroom teaching evaluation of Institute of higher learning