
  • 网络Curriculum Resource;course resources;program resources
  1. 网络课程资源共享有三条主要途径,即Internet、Intranet及光盘和软件。

    These curriculum resources could be shared through internet , intranet , CD and software .

  2. 基于Moodle的网络课程资源建设与应用

    The Construction and Application of Network Curriculum Resources on the Moodle

  3. 基于Web环境的《数据结构》网络课程资源一体化设计与开发

    Design and Development of Courseware Data Structure Based on Web Environment

  4. 4进行STS教育,充分挖掘教材中的STS教育因素,大力开发课程资源。

    To carrying out the STS teaching by exploring fully the factors of the STS teaching from textbook and developing greatly the curricular resources .

  5. E-Learning(网络化学习)是开展教育信息化的重要学习方式,它是通过一定的网络学习支持系统,以丰富的课程资源形式,呈现在学习者面前的。

    E-Learning is an important learning way of carrying out educational informatization . By means of certain online learning support system , it emerges in front of learners with rich curriculum resources .

  6. 理论研究:系统综述了课程资源开发的相关理论;STS课程的含义、特点、基本内容;化学教育与STS教育的关系。

    Theory : A Systematic Review of the theory of the development of curriculum resources ; STS course meaning , characteristics , basic contents ; chemical relationship between education and STS Education .

  7. 国内外已有的MST课程资源呈现出三种典型的结构模式:连结型、协同和融合型。

    Basically , the MST curriculum resources at home and abroad show us three typical modes of the structure : Linked Mod , Combined Mode and Integrated Mode .

  8. 课程资源模块提供了教案、多媒体课件的设计以及课堂实录、后期制作等技术;网站生成系统模块运用网站开发技术完成了精品课网站的建设;VOD模块实现了精品课程在校园网的视频点播。

    Curriculum resources module provides lesson-plans , designs on multimedia courseware , classroom-recording and post-production techniques . By the use of web development technology , Web generation system module achieves the web construction of higher-quality curriculum .

  9. 通过对大学生BMI指数现状分析以及研究不同性别大学生BMI分布差异性,提出了改进、开发高校体育课程资源,在体育教学中合理有效的对学生进行体育技能与健康教育的建议。

    Through analyzing BMI distribution of students and researching the differences of male and female students in universities , we advance the suggestion of developing the sorts of curriculum resources for sports in colleges and universities and teaching rational and effective skills to students in sports and health education .

  10. 挖掘地方课程资源、加强地方教材建设;

    Spading the local curriculum resources , strengthen the textbook construction ;

  11. 高等学校课程资源共享研究

    A Study on Sharing of Curriculum Resources Among Colleges and Universities

  12. 学科间的课程资源共享。

    Share in the resources between subjects , and so on .

  13. 体育隐蔽课程资源的开发机理研究

    Mechanism Study on Exploration of Hidden Curriculum Resources in Physical Education

  14. 论大学德育的课程资源

    On the Course Resources of Moral Education in Universities and Colleges

  15. 体育课程资源开发评价体系的研究

    Research on Evaluation System of Exploiting Physical Education Curriculum Resource

  16. 对学校体育课程资源开发利用的探讨

    Discussion on exploitation and utilization of school PE curriculum resource

  17. 论农村地区综合实践活动的课程资源开发

    On Curriculum-Resources Exploitation of Integrated Practice Activity in Rural Area

  18. 西部音乐地方课程资源开发大有可为

    The Potentialities of Developing Local Music Course of Western China

  19. 农村语文课程资源开发的困境及出路

    Predicaments and Solutions of Developing Chinese Course Resources in Countryside

  20. 青海省基础教育课程资源开发的策略研究

    A Study on Stratagems of Fundamental Education Curriculum Resource Development of Qinghai

  21. 高中有机化学课程资源的利用和开发

    The Utilization and Exploitation of Organic Chemistry Curriculum Resources in High School

  22. 生物模型在课程资源开发方面的应用价值研究

    The Research on Applied Value of Biological Models in Curriculum Resources Development

  23. 丰富教育载体,整合课程资源;

    Enriching the education carrier and integrating course resource ;

  24. 研究性学习课程资源开发与研究性学习课程的实施

    Curriculum Resources Development and Implementation of the Research Courses

  25. 继续探索因地制宜开发本土课程资源的道路。

    To further explore the way of developing indigenous curriculum resources . 4 .

  26. 关于社区课程资源开发的个案研究

    Case Study on Development of Curriculum Resouces in Communities

  27. 按不同的标准,中学历史课程资源有不同的分类方法。

    History course resources in middle school can be classified in different ways .

  28. 以福建南安为例,对上述三种农村社区历史课程资源作简要分类。

    Taking the rural areas in Nan an of Fujian as an example .

  29. 生物课程资源的开发、整合与利用

    Development , Integration and Utilization on Biology Course Resources

  30. 初中语文课程资源的有序开发利用实验报告

    Experiment Report on Order Developing and Using of Course Resources of Junior Chinese