
  1. 初中美术课第二课堂

    Art Lessons of Junior School ── the Second Classroom

  2. 教师让学生两人一组,先将本课第2部分对话阅读一遍,然后使用方框中的替换词,编练新的对话。

    T : Please read the dialogue first , and you will change the word which is on the table in your own dialogue .

  3. 要把立志教育放在《就业指导》课第一课,安排在新生入学教育中进行。

    Aspiration education should be treated as the first lesson in " career guidance " and be carried on in enrollment education for new students .

  4. 这种意义上的符号,作为一种和索绪尔所说的不同的东西,将会成为这节课第二部分也是中心部分,的潜在主题。

    This sense of the sign as something different from what Saussure said it was is going to be the underlying theme of the second and central part of this lecture .

  5. 实践课与第二语言(汉语)教学

    The function of practical project in teaching Chinese as a second language

  6. 今天早上的课是第几课啊?

    What was the number of the lesson this morning ?

  7. 这节课的第二个主题是框架效应。

    The second theme for this lecture is about framing .

  8. 第十课比第九课困难多了。

    Lesson ten is much harder than lesson nine .

  9. 第九课在第九十页。

    The Lesson is on the page .

  10. 喔拜托,我在第三节课和第四节课的课间就搞清楚了。

    CAROLINE : Oh , please , I got all that between third and fourth period .

  11. 很多大学的外国语学院都开设了一门新的必修课&第二外语。

    Most Schools of Foreign Language in colleges and universities offer a second foreign language course as compulsory .

  12. 第一种上成讲读课,第二种上成课外自读课,第三种上成习题训练课。

    First is class-Reading method , second is reading into extra-curricular classes ; the third is into the exercise training sessions on .

  13. 喔拜托,我在第三节课和第四节课的课间就搞清楚了。我们计划六月举行婚礼。

    CAROLINE : Oh , please , I got all that between third and fourth period . We 're planning a june wedding .

  14. 于是,今天晚上,我又让她学习了第六十八课的第十幅图的对话,并且把教材上的所有练习都做完了。

    Then I asked her to learn the conversation about the tenth picture and finished all the exercises in the textbook this evening .

  15. 处于课改第一线的教师是课程实施的主力军,是课程实施取得成功的关键因素。

    The main force of the curriculum implementation is teachers who is at the very end of the curriculum implementation . They are the first of the success of curriculum implementation .

  16. 机器人作为电子学、机械学、计算机技术、人工智能等学科的典型应用被广泛地用来作为高校实践课与第二课堂的典型载体。

    Robot is used widely as the typical carrier of practice lesson and the-second-class in high school , because it is the typical application of such subject as electronics , mechanics , computer technology and artificial intelligence .

  17. 本书共包括25堂“人生课”:第一课,没有免费的午餐。别以为可以不劳而获。

    The book includes 25 Lessons for Life : Lesson 1 : There is no free lunch . Don 't feel entitled to anything you don 't sweat and struggle for

  18. 她每天上一门课:意第绪语、时事,甚至iPad入门。

    Every day , she takes a class : Yiddish , current events , even iPad 101 .

  19. 一次是在第一学期的第一节英语课上,第二次在第二学期的最后一次英语课上。一年内教师针对SILL中的一些英语学习策略对学生进行培训。

    Oxford 's Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ( SILL ) has been conducted twice in class , one at the beginning of the first semester , the other at the end of the second semester .

  20. 我们的课排在第四节,就在午饭后。

    Our class met at fourth period , just after lunch .

  21. 第五节课:同第四节理由,睡;

    The fifth class : Keep on sleeping with the same reason ;

  22. 琼。杜查姆的大师课是我第三次上大师课。

    J é r ? me Ducharme 's master class was my third master class experience .

  23. 通过生物学科教学、创造性思维训练课与生物第二课堂活动相结合三合一的模式,能够有效地培养学生的创造力。

    The " Three into One " teaching mode , that biology course teaching , creative thinking class and the " Second Class " activities are combined together , can cultivate students ' creative ability efficiently .

  24. 星期二的第四节课是体育,第五节课是历史。

    The fourth lesson on Tuesday is PE and the fifth lesson is History .

  25. 绪论课是教学中第一课,对学生今后的学习起着重要的作用。

    The introduction to medical chemistry is the first lesson to freshmen and it is important for the future study .

  26. 你去历史课,坐在第三排,并正视教练(36)为她说话。

    You go to history class , sit in the third row , and look squarely ( 36 ) at the instructor as she speaks .

  27. 第一次试验试图用课堂比赛和游戏的方法提高学生对听力课的兴趣,第二次试验采用课堂形成性评估的方法提高学生对听力课的兴趣。

    The first one trys to promote students ' interests by classroom-matches and classroom-games , while the second one by using the methodologies of Formative Assessment .

  28. 你给自己上第一堂吉他课,然后是第二堂课,以后你会在以后每天的学习中不断重复这个过程,只需要几分钟而已。

    So you give yourself your first guitar lesson , then your second , and you go through all the process of learning everyday , only a couple of minutes obviously .

  29. 该课程将四个阶段的必修课改为第一阶段至第三阶段为必修课,而第四阶段为选修课。

    It changed the four stages of obligatory course into three stages , while the fourth stage for the elective course .

  30. 这节课是三节课中的第二部分,将学习有用的电话销售技巧:打无约电话。

    This is the second in our three-part Business English Podcast lesson on a useful telephone and sales skill : cold calling .