
kè jiān cāo
  • setting-up exercises during the break;class-break setting-up exercise
课间操[kè jiān cāo]
  1. 第三部分,课间活动的展演与阐释。在前面论述的基础上针对S小学学生的课间活动从课间操、自由活动等方面进行深描与解读。

    In this section , inter-class activities of students in S elementary school , such as setting-up exercises during the break , free activities and so on , have been discussed .

  2. 从传统课间操到大课间体育活动的思考

    Think from Traditional Setting-up Exercises to the Grand Ones during the Break

  3. 农村中小学课间操开设民族传统体育活动的可行性探讨

    Feasible Study on Setting-up of Traditional Minority Sports during Class Break in Rural Primary and Middle School

  4. 重视课间操的锻炼效果,学校要合理安排好这段时间的锻炼内容。

    Effect of attention calisthenics exercise , the school arranged a reasonable period of time to exercise content .

  5. 从总体上看,重庆市中小学每天都安排课间操的情况所占比例较少,有时安排有时不安排的情况最多。

    Overall , primary and middle schools in chongqing every day to arrange the lesson hold the proportion is less , sometimes arrangements sometimes not arranged at most .

  6. 学校在学生课间操和体育竞赛的组织上所做的工作尤为出色,课间操整齐有序,课外体育竞赛内容丰富且制度化。

    Broadcasting gymnastics school students and the organization of sports competitions on the work done particularly well , neat and orderly broadcasting gymnastics , extra-curricular sports competitions and the institutionalization of rich content .

  7. 充分发挥体育的主阵地,利用早操、课间操时间,让学生参加具有矫治作用的锻炼,调整、放松学生疲劳的身体各部位。

    Give full play to the main front , use sports lesson hold morning exercise , time , let the student to have the treatment effect , adjust and relax the students exercise fatigue in the body parts .

  8. 现有的体育场地设施70%以上分布在各级各类学校,主要为本校学生服务,主要用于体育课、课间操及课后体育活动,节假日基本闲置,场地利用率都比较低。

    Nowadays , 70 % of the physical fields and instruments scatter in different schools , which mainly serve for the pupil and act as places of physical education and break exercises , meanwhile they are left unused on vocations .

  9. 但随着现代社会的发展,传统课间操已不能完全满足学生的心理需要,构建新的大课间体育活动(以下简称大课间)势在必行。

    However , with the development of modern society , traditional setting-up exercises can no longer meet students ' psychological needs wholly . It is necessary to create a new form of the Grand-setting-up exercises ( the following as the GSUE ) .

  10. 课间室内手臂操的实践与研究

    Practical Study of Indoor Gymnastic Exercises