
  • 网络Extracurricular sports activities
  1. 激励机制对高校课外体育活动的影响

    The Influence of Encouragement Mechanism on the College Extracurricular Sports Activities

  2. 试论高中学生课外体育活动现状

    Discussion on current situation of extracurricular sports activities in middle school

  3. 本文采用症状自评量表SCL-90、自编调查问卷和试验等方法,选取邵阳地区几所乡镇中学进行了心理健康水平与课外体育活动状况的调查问卷。

    This article uses the symptom from to comment methods and so on meter SCL-90 , from arranges questionnaire and experiment , selected the Shaoyang area several villages and towns middle schools to carry on the psychologically healthy level and the extracurricular sports condition questionnaire .

  4. 海岛大学生课外体育活动行为特征的调查研究与对策

    Research on Behavior Characteristic of Extracurricular Sports Activities of Island Undergraduates

  5. 影响河北省中学开展课外体育活动的因素分析

    Influential factors of extracurricular sport in middle schools in Hebei province

  6. 对如何更好地开展课外体育活动,培养良好的锻炼习惯提出建议。

    Suggestions on how to develop it and were put forward .

  7. 加强对课外体育活动的组织、管理。

    To strengthen extracurricular sports activities of the organization , management .

  8. 高校课外体育活动与学生创新素质培养研究

    Research on College Extracurricular Sport Activity and Student 's Creativity Cultivation

  9. 大学生课外体育活动调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis about the college students ' sparetime sports activities

  10. 师范院校大学生参加课外体育活动状况的研究

    Research on Normal college Students ' participation in Outside Sports Activities

  11. 福州大学城大学生课外体育活动调查研究

    Study on the Extracurricular Sports of College Students in Fuzhou Universities

  12. 积极开展形式多样的学校课外体育活动。

    Actively carry out various forms of school extra-curricular sports activities .

  13. 全国学生参加课外体育活动现状的研究

    A Nationwide Survey on Students ' Physical Activities after School

  14. 课外体育活动对发展学生自信心的影响研究

    Effects of Extra-Curricular Sports Activities in Students ' Self-Confidence Development

  15. 我校学生课外体育活动的成效研究

    Study on the Effect of Extracurricular Physical Activities in Sichuan Agriculture University

  16. 浙江省大学生课外体育活动状况及相关问题研究

    Research on Extracurricular Physical Activity Condition of College Students in Zhejiang Province

  17. 其参加课外体育活动的动机主要是增强体质。

    Their motivation for the extracurricular sports is to improve their physique .

  18. 普通高校课外体育活动管理模式分析

    Analyses of Managing Modes of After-class Physical Activities at Universities

  19. 课外体育活动利用体育参与积分的形式建立学生课外体育参与积分卡,进行评价。

    Extracurricular sports adopts scorecards to evaluate the activity participation .

  20. 试论课外体育活动与素质教育

    Talk about the deepening of the extracurricular exercise and the quality education

  21. 加强与改进课外体育活动和体育竞赛;

    Strengthen and improve P.E extracurricular activities and P.E contests ;

  22. 高校学生课外体育活动的调查与发展对策

    The Methods of Study and Development for University Students Outdoor Sports Exercises

  23. 苏州大学学生课外体育活动兴趣状况调查分析

    A survey of students ' in P.E.Activities at Suzhou University

  24. 构建课外体育活动新模式

    On the Establishment of New Model of Extracurricular Sports Activities

  25. 我国普通高校课外体育活动发展目标的构建

    Establishing Development Objectives of the University Extracurricular Activities in China

  26. 浅谈促进大学生心理健康的课外体育活动运动处方

    Discussion on Sports Prescription of Promoting Undergraduates ' Psychological Healthiness

  27. 中学课外体育活动现状调查与对策

    Survey and Countermeasures to Current Situation in Secondary School Extracurricular Sports Activities

  28. 在瑞士青少年中参加课外体育活动的相关因素

    Correlates of extracurricular sport participation among Swiss adolescents Michaud

  29. 嘉兴学院大学生课外体育活动运行体制的研究

    Research on the Operating Mechanism of the Extracurricular Sports Activities in Jiaxing University

  30. 高校课外体育活动功能定位

    Function Orientation of Exercise out of class in college