
shèng huì
  • pageant;gala;grand meeting;grand gathering;distinguished gathering
盛会 [shèng huì]
  • [grand gathering] 盛大的集会

  • 良宵盛会喜空前!--柳亚子《浣溪沙》

盛会[shèng huì]
  1. 本人能够受邀来到这样的盛会,内心感到欣喜万分。

    I am very delighted to be invited to such a distinguished gathering .

  2. 行业盛会精彩无限&2006第十三届国际自动识别技术展览会精彩回放

    Distinguished Gathering of Industry full of absolute brilliance & Brilliant flashbacks of the 13th International Exhibition of Automatic Identification Technology

  3. 彩旗增添了盛会的欢乐气氛。

    The colourful flags added to the gaiety of the occasion .

  4. 星期天的音乐盛会将把这次会演推向高潮。

    The festival will climax on Sunday with a gala concert .

  5. 伦敦时装周将是一场活力四射的盛会。

    London Fashion Week will be a sparky affair .

  6. 这个艺术节现在进行到第14届,已经成为国际爵士乐的一大盛会。

    The Festival , now in its fourteenth year , has become a major international jazz event .

  7. 我在知识界的资历还没有高到能受邀参加这种盛会。

    I was not high up enough in the intelligentsia to be invited to such exalted meetings .

  8. 上星期天,我们举行了一次社交界的盛会。

    We had a grand social gathering last Sunday .

  9. 我能参加这样的盛会,真是百感交集,思绪万千。

    That I have been able to attend a grand meeting such as this one , fills my mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas .

  10. 我们不仅要办好一届冬奥盛会,而且要办出特色、办出精彩、办出独一无二来。

    Not only will we host a successful Winter Olympic extravaganza , but also a spectacular Games with unique characteristics .

  11. 《钢铁侠》(ironman)去年在好莱坞(hollywood)的首映式是一场耀眼的盛会。

    The Hollywood premiere of iron man last year was a glittering affair .

  12. 婚姻是一场三个RING的盛会:订婚戒指(engagementRING)、结婚戒指(weddingRING)和无尽的苦头(suffeRING)。

    Marriage is a three ring circus : engagement ring , wedding ring and suffering .

  13. 体育盛会上的LED显示屏&南京奥体中心场馆LED显示屏评介

    LED Display Screen in Grand Sport Games & A Review of LED Display Screens of Nanjing Olympic Center

  14. 作为激光、光学、光电行业的风向标,慕尼黑和上海的LASER品牌展会已成为了该行业的年度盛会。

    As the standard-bearer of the photonics industry , LASER World of PHOTONICS both in Munich and Shanghai have been renowned as the annual extravaganzas in this field .

  15. RONWAGNER:“这次盛会几乎代表了每一个大型制造商和许多小型的制造商。”

    RON WAGNER : " Nearly every major manufacturer is represented and a lot of minor , smaller ones . "

  16. 上月早些时候,我们和来自50个国家的2000多位代表参加了圣彼得堡经济论坛(StPetersburgEconomicForum)的盛会。此次论坛展示了不断增长的俄罗斯经济。

    Earlier this month we , with more than 2,000 delegates from 50 countries , participated in remarkable meetings at the St Petersburg Economic Forum that showcased the growing Russian economy .

  17. 和之前的Comdex一样,CES基本上是电脑迷的盛会。

    CES , like Comdex before it , was mostly a geekfest .

  18. 相关机构对这次盛会进行了24小时网上直播,内容包括由美国教育部长阿恩·顿坎和美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)主席朱利叶斯·格纳考斯基在市政厅主持的仪式,旨在展示如何应用科技改进美国教育。

    The full-day webcast , including a town hall hosted by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski , showcases how technology can improve learning in the U.S.

  19. 即将在中国举行的GTI发布当是盛会一场。

    For China , the upcoming GTI launch is a noticeable event .

  20. 她为自己的装束感到非常高兴,这是在NBC节目的全球小姐盛会上,这是闭幕式。

    She 's pretty pleased with her recovery . This is from the Miss Universe Pageant televised on NBC and there is the fall .

  21. 四月,在Facebook年度盛会F8上,Facebook宣布成立AR工作室,美图是AR人脸识别领域首家被选中合作的亚洲公司。

    Facebook announced its AR Studio in April at F8 and Meitu is the first company specializing in AR facial recognition to be selected and the first company based in Asia .

  22. Mak-FestinStip和theSkopjeFestival是马其顿流行音乐中最有名的盛会。

    Mak-Fest in Stip and the Skopje Festival are the two best-known festivals of popular music in Macedonia .

  23. 今年,随着并购活动在全球的蓬勃发展,由杜兰大学(tulaneuniversity)支持的这次大会的组织者迎来了有史以来最大规模的盛会。

    This year , with M & A activity booming around the world , the organisers of the conference , backed by Tulane University , were braced for the best attendance ever .

  24. Minecraft游戏年度盛会MineCon是一个绝佳的晴雨表,从中可看出这款游戏流行指数的飙升。

    A good barometer of how rapidly the game has grown in popularity is minecon , the annual minecraft convention .

  25. PV-Tech团队所拍摄的本集介绍视频展示了参观者和参展商对于今年这场盛会的反馈缩影。

    A snap-shot of visitor and exhibitor feed-back is highlighted in this introduction video from PV-Tech , to this year 's event .

  26. 这位副总统候选人呼吁美国人准备好摩托装备,周末走上街头参加在戴托纳海滩举办的Biketoberfest摩托车盛会。NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗,佛罗里达州戴托纳海滩报道。

    The vice presidential candidate gave a shout-out to American made harness , which are swarming the streets of Daytona this weekend for the motorcycle festival called Biketoberfest.Ari Shapiro , NPR News , Daytona beach , Florida .

  27. 3月初,34岁的陈岚淑来到加利福尼亚州卡梅尔,参加罗兰夏朵美食节(Relais&Châteaux’sGourmetFest),有20多位知名大厨参与这次盛会。

    In early March , Ms. Chen , 34 , was in Carmel-by-the Sea , Calif. , for Relais & Ch â teaux 's GourmetFest , featuring more than 20 well-known chefs .

  28. 其次,二零零八年的奥林匹克运动会将是一次红色的盛会。

    Secondly , the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant .

  29. 彩旗增添了盛会的欢乐气氛。

    The colourful flaggs added to the gaiety of the occasion .

  30. 今晚,我的家人也陪我一起出席这一盛会。

    I 'm so blessed to have my family here tonight .