
tāi fà
  • fetal hair;lanugo;foetal hair
胎发 [tāi fà]
  • (1) [foetal hair]∶婴儿没剃过的头发

  • (2) [lanugo]∶胎毛

胎发[tāi fà]
  1. 母发与胎发中锌、铁、铜、钙的相互关系分析

    Analyses on the Relationship between Zn , Fe , Cu and Ca Contents in Mother and Fetus Hair

  2. 本文对佳木斯地区100例胎尸发旋的位置、方向、旋顶问距及角距正中角度进行了观测。

    The hair rotations of100 fetal corpses over Jiamusi District were observed and their positions , orientations , angles and intervals between head top and the hair rotation were discussed .

  3. 血清甲胎蛋白对原发性肝癌诊断值的探讨

    Evaluation of diagnostic value of sera AFP for primary liver cancer

  4. 甲胎蛋白诊断原发性肝癌准确性的系统评价

    A Systematic Review of the Accuracy of Diagnostic Test of AFP for Chinese Primary Liver Cancer

  5. 结果:胎龄小或相同胎龄靠近生发中心的神经干细胞增殖和传代能力强。

    Results : The NSCs isolated from young fetal age or near the germinal center possess strong proliferation and passage ability .