
  1. A组宫缩过强、胎心异常,羊水过度污染均低于B组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    But rates of excessive uterine contraction , abnormal fetal heart rate , and pollution of amniotic fluid were lower in Group A than those in group B ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 结论:胎心异常曲线对胎儿宫内窘迫的诊断具有重要价值。

    Conclusion Abnormal fetal heart rate curve is important value in diagnosis fetal distress .

  3. 结论羊水粪染程度与新生儿酸中毒及胎心异常明显相关;

    Conclusion Amniotic fluid meconium was obviously correlated with fetal acidosis and abnormal fetal heart rate .

  4. 结果(1)实验组胎心异常恢复率均有差异(P<0·01)。

    Results : ( 1 ) Return of FHR in the study group rather than the control ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 对照组发现胎心异常后立即行阴道助产或手术结束分娩。

    The patients in the control group were subjected to assisted vaginal delivery or cesarean section immediately after the abnormal fetal heart rate occurred .

  6. 阴道出血,血性羊水,下腹疼痛,胎心异常或消失,子宫张力增高伴压痛为5个主要临床表现。

    Vaginal hemorrhage , bloody amniotic fluid , pain in lower abdomen abnormality or disappearance of fetal heart rhythm and hypertonic uterus with tenderness were the five main clinical manifestations .

  7. 69例均见胎心异常血流,其中伴胎心四腔观异常57例,无四腔观异常12例。

    All of the 69 cases were found abnormal blood flow , 57 cases of them were accompanied with four chamber abnormalities and 12 cases of them were found no four-chamber abnormalities .

  8. 结论除典型疼痛性阴道出血外,妊娠晚期不明原因贫血、脉快、厥冷伴胎心异常或消失、高张性子宫、B超显示胎盘后液性暗区均有助本病诊断。

    When the patient has anaemia , pulse , faint cold , the fetal heart sounds abnormity or disappear , high uterine tone , ultrasound show fluid dark section back placenta , in late pregnancy , we bethink of placental abruption .

  9. 结论:血清胆红素升高、临产后胎心监护异常可作为预测ICP胎儿宫内缺氧的指标。

    Conclusions : Increase of serum bilirubin and abnormal heart rate may take as an forecast index of ICP intrauterine fetal anoxia .

  10. 产时胎心监护异常图形相关因素分析

    Analysis of Related Factors in Abnormal Graphs of Fetal Heart Monitoring During Delivery

  11. 产时胎心监护异常的处理

    Treatment with intrapartum abnormal fetal heart rate monitering

  12. 结果:1336例孕妇中,胎心监护异常曲线者128例,占9.58%。

    Results In 1 336 later pregnant women , 128 cases ( 9.58 % ) were abnormal fetal heart rate curve .

  13. 第一产程胎心监护异常226例的相关因素分析

    Study on risk factors associated with 226 cases of the abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring during the first stage of labor

  14. 胎心监护异常与分娩方式的关系产时胎心监护异常图形相关因素分析

    Supervision over abnormal fetus and its partal method Analysis of Related Factors in Abnormal Graphs of Fetal Heart Monitoring During Delivery

  15. 胎心基线异常、重度变异减速的羊水乳酸水平明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    The AF lactate concentration of cases with abnormal baseline FHR and severe variable decelerations were significantly higher than the control group 's.

  16. 结论胎心监护异常伴羊水粪染Ⅱ°~Ⅲ°为胎儿窘迫的可靠依据。

    Conclusion : Abnormal fetal monitoring accompanying amniotic fluid pollutioned ⅱ ~ ° - ⅲ ~ ° was reliable reference for fetal distress .

  17. 粪染组在母体合并症、胎心监护异常发生率、剖宫产率及新生儿窒息率上均高于对照组(P<0.01);

    Maternal complication , abnormal fetal monitoring , cesarean section rate and neonatal asphyxia were higher than those of the control group respectively .

  18. 第二产程胎心监护异常与新生儿预后的关系远程胎儿监护在高危妊娠中的临床应用

    Relationship between Monitoring of Abnormal FHR During the Second Birth Process and Neonatal Prognosis The Clinical Use of the Remote Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring in High Risk Preg-nancy

  19. 加强产程中监护,对于胎心监护异常、有难产倾向病例,尽早处理,可减少新生儿窒息,提高产科质量。

    We should enhance monitor during stage of labor and deal with abnormal fetal heart monitoring and tendency of difficult labor as early as possible for reducing neonatal asphyxia and improving the obstetrical quality .

  20. 第二产程发生胎心监护异常行剖宫产者58例,其中高危妊娠14例,占24.1%;脐带异常21例,占36.2%。

    58 cases were found in the second stage of labor , including 14 cases ( 24 . 1 % ) of high-risk pregnancy and 21 cases ( 36.2 % ) of umbilical cord abnormality .

  21. 随着pH值下降,Apgar低评分增多,产前胎心电子监护异常发生率也随之增加,新生儿窒息发生率增高。

    Along with the descend of pH , the augment of low Apgar rating and the abnormity increased of fetal heart electronic monitoring , the occuring rate with asphyxia of newborn was heighten .

  22. 结果延期妊娠组孕妇AFI或胎心监护指标异常比例均高于正常孕妇组(P<0.01);

    Results The rate of abnormal AFI and NST ( or OCT ) in the cases with delayed pregnancy was significantly higher than that in the controls ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 彩色多普勒超声结合胎心监护诊断脐带异常及胎儿宫内窘迫

    Color Doppler Ultrasound Combined with Fetal Electrocardiograph Monitoring to Diagnose Umbilical Cord Abnormalities and Fetal Distress

  24. 而且,当胎心监护出现各种异常波形时脐动脉血流的变化情况并未见报导。

    While , how the umbilical artery flow velocimetry changed when the CTG shows various kinds of abnormal wave forms , up to now , there is no report in this aspect .