
  • 网络oxytocin induction
  1. 对宫颈条件不良者,破膜后24h,可以用前列腺素E2(PGE2)或催产素引产。

    The poor condition of the cervix who rupture of membrane after 24h , can be prostaglandin E2 ( PGE2 ) or oxytocin induction of labor .

  2. 结果:A组和B组用米索引产可显著改善宫颈评分(P<0.01),提高引产成功率及阴道分娩率(P<0.005),而催产素引产效果最差。

    Results In Group A and Group B , misoprostol improved the conditions aroused by low Bishop scores obviously ( P < 0.01 ), raised the success rate of labor induction and that of parturition through vagina ( P < 0.005 ) .

  3. 脉冲式静脉滴注催产素引产初探

    A preliminary study of labor induction with oxytocin pulsing intravenous drip

  4. 晚期妊娠催产素引产严重出血18例

    18 Cases of Blood Bleeding Resulting from Oxytocin Abortion in Later Pregnancy

  5. 静脉留置针在催产素引产中应用的研究

    The investigation of using lienable needle staying in vein in testosterone induced labor

  6. 结论:蓖麻油引产优于催产素引产。

    Conclusion : The induction of castor oil meal is superior to oxytocin .

  7. 目的:探讨静脉留置针技术应用于晚孕孕妇在催产素引产中的效果。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of technology using lienable needle staying in vein in testosterone induced labored .

  8. 目的:探讨胎儿中央监护系统用于静滴催产素引产和催产中,实施全程监护的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To explore the whole-course of clinical application of central fetus monitoring system in inducing labour and expediting child delivery with intravenous injection of oxytocin .

  9. 服用蓖麻油引产餐到分娩结束的时间为8.02±3.85h,显著短于催产素引产组(P<0.05)。

    The duration between the induced labor meal of castor oil taken and the end of parturition was 8.02 ± 3.85 hours , which was much shorter than that of pitocin ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 结果发现蓖麻油引产餐能促进宫颈成熟,发动并增强子宫收缩,有效率达94.1%,明显优于催产素引产(P<0.05)。

    Results Induced labor meal of castor oil could promote the mature of uterine neck , start and strengthen the shrinking of the uterus . The response rate reached 94.1 % , which was much better than that of pitocin ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 米索引产时,A组羊水污染率及新生儿窒息率显著高于催产素和引产餐(P值分别<0.005,<0.025)。

    In Group A , the incidence of stained amniotic fluid and neonatal asphyxia in misoprostol pattern was much more than that in Oxytocin pattern ( P < 0.005 ) and in castor oil - diet pattern ( P < 0.025 ) .

  12. 对照组40例,用0.5%的催产素静滴引产。

    The control group were induced with 0 . 5 % oxytocin intravenously .

  13. 水囊引产经济可靠,临床上正逐步取代传统的催产素静滴引产。

    While water balloon device is economical and reliable , the intravenous oxytocin drip is being replaced by the other methods .

  14. 作者最后提出,催产素催、引产的成功条件是宫颈成熟与否及有无自发性宫缩为两个影响成功的重要条件。

    It was suggested that the successful conditions of oxytocin to oxytocic and in-duction of labor , were important conditions for cervical ripeness and spontaneous ute-rine contractions .

  15. 全产程陪伴加硬膜外分娩镇痛用于催产素静脉滴注引产孕妇的临床观察

    Observation about using whole delivery accompany combined with peridural anesthesia for pregnant women who have accepted induced labor by oxytocin

  16. 目的探讨全产程陪伴加硬膜外分娩镇痛应用于催产素静脉滴注引产孕妇中的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To study the feasibility and safety of using whole delivery accompany combined with peridural anesthesia for pregnant women who have accepted induced labor by oxytocin .

  17. 普贝生配合催产素与单一催产素用于足月妊娠引产的临床比较剖宫产术中静注不同剂量催产素对产妇的影响

    Clinical Efficacy Observation between Propess and Oxytocin in Term Induced Labor The effect of different dosage of intravenous Oxytocin on parturient during elective cesarean delivery