
  • 网络catalytic hydration;catalytic hydrolysis
  1. α-蒎烯催化水合反应的研究

    Study on catalytic hydration of α pinene

  2. 环氧乙烷催化水合制乙二醇催化剂研究进展

    Research progress on the catalyst for preparation of EG by EO catalytic hydration

  3. FeO(OH)/C催化水合肼还原芳香族硝基化合物制备芳胺

    FeO ( OH ) / C-catalyzed Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds to Anilines with Hydrazine Hydrate

  4. 结果表明:Fe-Al复合催化剂催化水合肼还原硝基的选择性≥99%;

    The results showed that the selectivity of the catalytic reaction is over 99 % .

  5. Fe-Al复合催化剂催化水合肼选择性还原硝基制备对氯苯胺

    Synthesis of p-Chloroaniline by Selective Reduction of Nitro Group with Hydrazine Hydrate in the Presence of Fe-Al Complex Catalyst

  6. FeCl3·6H2O/C催化水合肼还原制备2,2-二(4-羟基-3-氨基)苯基丙烷

    Synthesis of 2.2-Bis ( 4-hydroxy-3-amido-phenyl ) - propane Catalyzed by the FeCl_3 · 6H_2O / C Catalyst with Hydrazine Hydration

  7. 针对NY型均相催化剂催化水合乙二醇的工艺,探讨了催化剂对乙二醇产品紫外透过率(UV值)的影响。

    UV transmittance of ethylene glycol ( EG ) synthesized by homogeneous catalytic hydration of ethylene oxide was studied . The effect of the presence of NY catalyst and rectification temperature of catalyst containing EG was investigated .

  8. 我们合成了一种新型结构的季铵型阴离子交换树脂催化剂(NC-1),并将其转型为碳酸氢根型应用于环氧乙烷(EO)催化水合反应。

    A new kind of anion exchange resin catalysts ( NC-1 ) was synthesized , then it was changed into bicarbonate type to catalyze EO hydration .

  9. 阳离子交换树脂催化水合松油醇的研究

    Study of the Catalytic Hydration with Cation Exchange Resin to Terpineol

  10. 环氧乙烷非催化水合反应最佳水合比的确定

    Determination of Best Hydration Ratio of Ethylene Oxide Non-catalytic Hydration Reaction

  11. 三是催化水合反应时新生成的杂质。

    The third comes from the new product during catalytic hydrate reaction .

  12. 二是催化水合反应时催化剂带来的杂质;

    The second comes from the catalyst when catalytic hydrate reaction happens ;

  13. 丙烯腈催化水合合成丙烯酰胺的研究

    Study on the Catalytic Synthesis of Acrylamide from the Hydration of Acrylonitrile

  14. 活性膨润土催化水合异龙脑脱氢后处理的工艺研究

    Study on Post-treatment Technology of Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Hydrated Exo-2-camphanol

  15. 树脂催化水合肼还原芳香族硝基化合物

    Resin-catalyzed Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compound with Hydrazine Hydrate

  16. 催化水合正丁烯制仲丁醇的生产方法

    Processes of s-butanol produced by catalytic hydration of n-butene

  17. 耐高温阴离子交换树脂的合成及在环氧乙烷催化水合反应中的应用

    Synthesis of Thermal Stable Anion Exchange Resin and its Using in EO Catalytic Hydration

  18. 硫酸盐对硫酸催化水合萜脱水的影响

    Study on the effect of sulfate on dehydration of terpine Hydrate Catalyzed by sulfuric acid

  19. Pd/C催化水合肼还原法制备5-氨基-8-羟基喹啉

    Preparation of 5-Amino-8-quinolinol with Hydrazine Hydrate Reduction Method in Presence of Pd / C Catalyst

  20. 均相催化水合乙二醇工艺中溶剂的研究

    Study on the solvent in the process of synthesis of ethylene glycol by catalytic hydration

  21. 固-液混合酸催化水合萜二醇合成松油醇的研究

    Study on synthesizing terpineol from terpene hydrate by organic solid acid with liquid acid catalyst

  22. 多级固定床反应器串联的环氧乙烷催化水合制乙二醇工艺的研究

    Preparation of Ethylene Glycol by Catalytic Hydration of Ethylene Oxide in Multistage Fixed Bed Reactor

  23. 活性碳负载氢氧化氧铋催化水合肼还原芳香族硝基化合物

    Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds with Hydrazine Hydrate Catalyzed by Bismuth Oxide Hydroxide Supported on Activated Carbon

  24. 酯化剂和溶剂对固体超强酸催化水合松油醇的影响

    Influence of the esterification agent and the solvent on the synthetic terpineol catalyzed with solid superacid SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) / ZrO_2

  25. 采用活性膨润土为催化剂、催化水合异龙脑脱氢后处理反应,除去茴香醇类物质和其他副产物。

    The post-treatment of dehydrogenating hydrated exo-2-camphanol catalyzed by active bentonite is studied , and the anisalcohol analogues and other by-products are removed from reactants .

  26. 缩合物的酸催化水合后的水解反应在保护剂存在下进行,羟基香茅醛的产率达87.7%。

    After acid catalytic dehydration the condensate subsequent hydrolysis was proceeded in the existence of protective agent , the yield of hydroxycitronellal came up to 87.7 % .

  27. 在同样的条件下,CuO-Al2O3催化水合肼,几种还原芳香族硝基化合物得到相应的芳胺,收率90%~99%。

    Under the same conditions , a few of aromatic nitro compounds have been reduced with 90 % ~ 99 % yield to the corresponding anilines with hydrazine hydrate in the presence of CuO-Al_2O_3 .

  28. 硝酸铋和活性炭催化的水合肼还原芳香族硝基化合物制芳胺

    Bismuth nitrate and active carbon-catalyzed reduction of aromatic nitro compounds to anilines

  29. 固体强酸催化莰烯水合副产油的研究

    Study on oily by product in catalytic hydration of camphene with solid acid

  30. 胶体铜催化丙烯腈水合制丙烯酰胺的反应动力学

    Kinetics for Acrylonitrile Hydration to Produce Acrylamide in the Presence of Colloidal Copper Catalyst