
  • 网络catalyst factory
  1. 其次,在对催化剂厂现场管理分析的基础上,通过改进6S活动,在对现场管理推进策略进行深入分析后,通过目视管理打造与维修模式配套的现场管理模式。

    Next , to catalyst factory scene management analysis foundation , through improvement 6S activity , in carries on the thorough analysis after the scene management advancement strategy , makes and services the pattern necessary scene management pattern through the visual management .

  2. 本文介绍了一催化剂厂对GW-0.15-2.5中频电炉炉衬打结工艺的改进,从而使炉衬寿命延长,同时也提高了被熔炼材料的质量。

    A catalyst factory has improved the lining ramming technology of GW-0.15-2.5 medium frequency melting furnace . Thus the lining life has been prolonged and the quality of melted material also improved .

  3. 介绍了由石油化工科学研究院研制、齐鲁催化剂厂生产的GOR&Ⅱ催化剂在大庆石化分公司炼油厂RFCCUⅠ装置上的工业应用情况。

    GOR - ⅱ catalyst is researched by Research Institute Of Petroleum Processing , produced by Qilu Catalyst Plant .

  4. RFS硫转移剂于齐鲁石化公司催化剂厂完成了工业试生产,产品牌号CE-011,并在青岛石化厂进行了初步的工业应用试验。

    CE-011 , the commercial product of RFS SO_x transfer promotor manufactured by Catalyst Complex of Qilu Petrochemical Corporation was commercially used in Qingdao Petrochemical Plant .

  5. 报道石油化工科学研究院与齐鲁石化公司催化剂厂合作开发的第一代降低汽油烯烃含量的催化裂化催化剂GOR-Q的中试和工业放大研究结果。

    A novel FCC catalyst , COR-Q , for gasoline olefin reduction was developed by the cooperation of Research Institute of Petroleum Processing and Catalyst Complex of Qilu Petrochemical Company .

  6. 从催化剂厂废渣回收稀土的综合利用

    Comprehensive Utilization of Rare Earths Recovered from Waste Slag from Catalyst Factory

  7. 炼油催化剂厂含硅废水的处理

    Treatment of Si-bearing Effluents of Catalyst Workshop of Oil Refinery

  8. 中间水道水系统集成技术在催化剂厂的应用

    Application of water system integration technology with water mains in catalyzer factory

  9. 用脉冲电旋风除尘器处理催化剂厂分子筛尾气

    Treatment of Molecular Sieve Tail Gas in Catalyst Factory by Electric Impulse Cyclone

  10. 催化剂厂氨氮废水综合治理研究催化裂化催化剂生产过程中高氨氮污水的综合治理

    The Research on the Complex Treatment of Ammonium Wastewater in the Catalyst Factory

  11. 兰州石化公司催化剂厂现场设备管理体系改进及评价研究

    Study on the Field Apparatus Management System 's Improvements and Evaluations of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company Catalyst Factory

  12. 兰炼催化剂厂滤洗液中固体颗粒分级的研究

    Research on classification of solid particles in filtrates & washes from catalyst plant , Lanzhou oil refinery

  13. 最后论述了辽河催化剂厂技术创新对策、组织、经济投入等保障体系。

    Finally it discusses the guarantee system of technology innovation countermeasure , organization and economy investment etc. in Liaohe Catalyst Plant .

  14. 催化剂厂微球车间的高压管线由于处在S2Cl-H2O腐蚀环境中,因此易发生应力腐蚀开裂。

    The high-pressure pipelines in the catalyst plant were exposed to S 2-Cl & H 2O environment and subject to stress corrosion cracking .

  15. 炼油催化剂厂排出的污水滤渣严重污染环境。

    Until recently the filter residue of the effluent from the factories of catalysts for oil refining has been a pollutant to the environment .

  16. 本文重点研究和分析了辽河催化剂厂技术创新运行机制的指导思想、预期目标、评价体系。

    The key-point of this thesis researches and analyzes the guidance idea , expected target and estimation system of technology innovation operation system in Liaohe Catalyst Plant .

  17. 研究了催化剂厂废分子筛经硫酸活化处理后生产脱色剂的工艺及其用于润滑油和工业植物油脱色的效果。

    This paper deals with the process for producing decolorant by activating waste molecular sieve with sulphuric acid and its decolorizing effects obtained in decolorizing lubricant and industrial vegetable oil .

  18. 其次,运用大量的调查举证,从企业绩效管理流程以及影响该流程的主要影响因素等两个方面,详细分析了中石化长炼催化剂厂绩效管理的现状,并指出其绩效管理存在的问题。

    Then analyzing the current status of the external invironment and process of PM in the enterprise through a large amount of investigation , also putting forward the existing problems in PM .

  19. 介绍了长岭炼油化工总厂催化剂厂开发和生产的提高催化裂化汽油辛烷值的系列催化剂。

    The catalysts boosting octane number of FCC gasoline developed by the catalyst plant of Changling General Petrochemical Works were introduced together with characteristics of the new zeolite and supporter in the catalyst .

  20. 兰州石化公司催化剂厂分子筛车间的桨式干燥器,其桨叶发生了腐蚀开裂,经分析为焊缝晶间腐蚀和磨蚀。

    The corrosion cracking occurs on the blades of pedal type dryer in the molecular sieve workshop of Catalyst Factory of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company . The analysis shows that the corrosion is weld intergranular corrosion and erosion .

  21. 根据催化剂厂现场设备管理现状,从维修管理模式、故障诊断技术、现场管理模式和员工工作激励等方面进行分析,找出问题。

    According to the catalyst factory field apparatus management present situation , from the service management pattern , the failure diagnosis technology , the scene management pattern and the staff works aspects and so on drive to carry on the analysis , discovers the question .

  22. 通过这些方面的研究、探讨,以期为辽河催化剂厂在新产品开发、调整产品结构、调动工程技术人员的积极性、建立企业可持续发展的技术创新运行机制等方面,提供必要铺垫。

    Through the researching and analyzing in these respects , it provides the necessary pavement for building up the technology innovation operation system of the enterprise continuously development , in order to new product development , product structure regulation and mobilizing initiative of the engineering technicians in Liaohe Catalyst Plant .

  23. 首先,通过对维修管理模式进行分析、比较,结合现阶段较为先进的维修管理理念,应用故障诊断技术,具体问题具体分析,构建适合催化剂厂的维修管理模式。

    First , through to services the management pattern to carry on the analysis , the comparison , the union present stage more advanced service management idea , the application failure diagnosis technology , the concrete question concrete study , the construction suits the catalyst factory the service management pattern .

  24. 全国48家化肥催化剂制造厂总能力为57kt/a,产量近30kt/a,设备利用率不到50%。

    There are now 48 fertilizer catalyst manufacturers in China , with 57hi / a of total capacity and 30kt / a of total output . The overall capacity factor for equipment is below 50 % .

  25. 对于催化剂制造厂来说,催化剂生产成本和原料规格限定是最重要的。

    For the catalyst producer , catalyst manufacturing cost and material limitations are paramount .

  26. 采用光催化技术和WL型TiO2光催化剂处理炼油厂含油污水,考察了不同类型的催化剂、催化剂的用量、反应时间、反应温度以及废水的pH值对含油污水的处理效果。

    The photocatalysis technology and WL TiO2 photocatalyst are adopted to treat oily wastewater in refinery . Several kinds of catalysts , usage amount , reaction time and temperature are studied together with the influence of wastewater pH value on treatment effect .

  27. RHT系列渣油加氢催化剂在胜利炼油厂VRDS装置上的工业应用

    Commercial Application of RHT Series Residual Oil Hydrogenation Catalyst in Qilu VRDS Plant

  28. QCS-04耐硫变换催化剂在山西化肥厂工业侧流试验

    Industrial Side stream Test of QCS 04 Sulfur tolerant Water-gas Shift Catalyst in a Coal-based Fertilizer Plant

  29. QDB-04型耐硫变换催化剂在哈尔滨气化厂的应用

    Commercial run of QDB-04 sulfur tolerant CO shift catalyst in Harbin Gas Works

  30. ZA-5氨合成催化剂在大型氨厂应用可行性分析

    Feasibility analysis of the application of catalyst ZA-5 in large ammonia plant